For Sale Guidelines & Rules (Scroll Down for more details) |
Listing Items 1. |
New Items are not permitted. Second Hand Only. No Replica Items, or Fire Arms. | |
2. |
Include a Price. All Items Must Include a Price. | |
3. |
No Post Bumping. | |
4. |
Do Not Re-List Within 7 Days. | |
5. |
No Commercial Listings Private Only | |
Buying Items 1. |
This is between you and the Seller. | |
2. |
Disputes are not for the Public Forum. | |
Help |
Full Guidelines - Click Me With Buyer & Sellers Advice. (SCROLL DOWN) |
1. Second Hand Items Only
Our For Sale forums is for Second Hand Items Only. You may list an item As New but it is still a Second hand Item even if its an unwanted gift or unused, its to be listed as Second Hand. We do not permit commercial selling. Items listed "New" or "Brand New" will be removed.
[top]2. Include a Price
It is Important to list a price even if your unsure what price the item may sell at. We may remove your item/s if you have not included a price. This is connected to Post Bumping. We want members to reply with questions about the product and not how much because no price has been stated.
3. Post Bumping
The Seller : Can only reply to a question from a Member. Posting "Still for sale" is Post Bumping by the Seller as it adds nothing new to the original 1st post. Dropping the Price is adding something new to your item for sale so that is permitted. When you do not list a price in your first post members will ask how much, this is post bumping and its not allowed. So please list a price to prevent post bumping by members. Post Bumping makes your reply the most recent which can also gain more attention to it. If everyone post bumped then it would become ridiculous in no time. Please abide by our rules and everyone will get along.
[top]4. Do Not Re list within 7 Days
If you list your item on Saturday then please do not re list it until the following saturday. We have found over time that this period of time is fair to all concerned. Members do scroll the pages for items of interest so as long as its listed you should do well out of it. Any Topics rel isted within 7 days will be removed. This is keeping it fair to all members.
5. Private Listings Only
We do not permit any commercial listings, private listings only. If a commercial listing is found we will remove it and your account may be suspended. Second Hand Private listings only.
[top]Buying Items / Disputes
This is between you and the seller. WikiWirral provide you a place to list and purchase items, we do not act as a 3rd party nor do we act and a mediator to resolve any issues. It is your responsibility to do your home work on a item or a person. Your Account can be suspended for raising a dispute on the public forums. Please See Below "When Things Go Wrong"
[top]When Things Go Wrong
Your Account Could be Suspended !
Please read the following situations as this may explain why your account has / was suspended.
Public Disputes - Piped at the Post
This is where you have posted you would have the item but it was sold to another member. This can happen and there is no way anyone can police the fairness of a sale. You should contact the seller privately to understand why you were piped at the post. This is not a matter for the public forum. It happens and there are a million reasons for it too. Its the sellers right to sell to whom they want to sell too as they still own the item as unfair as that may seem its just the way it is. Ranting about this with in the forums publicly will have your account suspended. We advise you to read the buyers sellers guide below.
Public Disputes - Profit
Were all allowed to make a profit regardless of the previous origin or cost of an item listed. If a member bought this item on wiki and sold it on to another member that's profit. If i bought an umbrella i'm sure i could resell it for more when the weather was not so good. If a seller bought the item on e-bay or an external site that's no one else's business. We advise you to read the buyers sellers guide below.
Public Disputes : Origins of an Item
This is a Private NOT Public Matter. If a seller gets the item from a free site or any site and chooses to sell it that is up to them. If a member is re-listing an item previously listed by another member for a higher price (See Profit Above). If you have concerns about a item listed then please contact the forum moderator, or Admin but please note as stated above we do not get involved with disputes between buyer or seller. (see Profit above). We advise you to read the buyers sellers guide below.
Public Disputes : Pets And Animals
Your Questions need to be about the Pet / Animal and Not towards the Members Reasons for selling. We have to take a lot on face value and that is the nature of the forums. If you have a personal question to the owner or there moral status of the sale, then please contact them via private message. We are all entitled to sell an item with out being ridiculed or unfairly judged.
Public Disputes : After Sale Dispute
This is where a member may have a dispute about a sale that has been made. - This should be resolved privately via private message. If it spills on to the public forum you will have your account suspended. There is no point in contacting Admin / Moderator about this as we clearly state we do not get involved with any transactions between members. What we do advise is that you follow the Buyers / Sellers Guide Below.
Contacting us
If you do have any Genuine Concerns then please do contact us. Your Forum Moderator (see Forum Introduction) or Contact Admin. But please bare in mind if your concern is listed above then our reply has to be were really sorry but we do not get involved.
[top]Buyers Advice
- Please State in the topic title what it is you are selling
- Include a price/estimate you'll take for the item in the post
- Include pictures of the item and show any damage
- Include details about the item eg. size/power/colour/battery operated etc
- State how you would want to be paid.
- Subscribe to your topic "Watch this Topic" via My Stuff
Sellers Advice
- Ask for as much information as possible about the item before buying.
- Discuss a payment method prior to purchase.
- Please do not waste the sellers time, if you haven't got the money
don't give up the sellers hopes and say you will probably have it - Be patient and wait for answers
- Make sure you can trust the buyer if purchasing over paypal
- If in doubt, Don't buy the item