Don't you believe it, Trump is not thick, his IQ is around 156 and wealth around $4.5 billion, losing a few billion won't make any impact on his lifestyle.
Neither will it matter if he ends up being shot !
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Don't you believe it, Trump is not thick, his IQ is around 156 and wealth around $4.5 billion, losing a few billion won't make any impact on his lifestyle.
But an IQ of 156 is a more than good indication that he is not thick, the ability is there, how he chooses to use that ability is what makes him human (or inhuman as some may prefer to say).
You can carry on defining different aspects of intelligence until the cows come home - the ability to block out pain could be classed as intelligence but I've never seen it specified in any intelligence test, though the ability to avoid distraction sometimes is.
Memory is one key element that most tests and people class as intelligence, however memory could also be classed merely as a tool that enables intelligence to be used. Similarly, most IQ tests also have speed as a factor which most certainly isn't a measure of intelligence, though obviously its a factor to performance.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
I think how Americans have voted in history is funny to say the least, im no expert or historian but regan an actor, the bush family, and now trump.
He is a wild card, but i can see how he can appeal as hes not in politics, and voters are probably sick of politicians doing nothing, and trump talks with out red tape.
If he gets in it will be hilarious. And great viewing at the least.
Is he capable to trigger a world war hell yeah lol.
So far the comments given have been by members of the public who have either, teeth like piano keys, or are still chewing straw. Now, we know there are a lot of clots in USA, but are there enough ?
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Not true at all Granny. That may be what some Trump opponents would like you to think but Trump in fact has massive support from all over (including many people with a brain!) mainly Republicans who are sick and tired of the Republicans failing to represent them and new voters who would never have voted for any of the traditional Republican candidates.
All that's left to say is that; Bush was a fool too, and between him and Blair they managed to de-stabilised the Middle East which is now what Europe is having to deal with. If any American thinks that Trump is the man to stand on the world stage and secure any amount of diplomacy in crisis, they have to be living on cloud cuckoo and each and everyone needs a fire-cracker shoving up their orifice. God Bless America, and it's downfall, should he be hailed as the greatest. As the rest of the world sees him as a fool, then there would be little or no hope when USA engages with major players like Russia, North Korea and China.
Maybe we are fast approaching 'The End of Times'
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
If "the rest of the world sees him as a fool" then it is mostly because of detractors who, lacking any reasoned arguments or intelligence of their own, use their only tactic, which just like in the schoolyard, is to mock their opponents (whether for their appearance, or for being stupid, or for simply not agreeing with them). G.W. Bush, believe it or not, is not stupid either. Neither is Blair. (but lets not let inconvenient facts get in the way here?) The Middle East has been far more destabilized by Barack Obama, for purely political reasons pulling all the U.S. troops out than by anything else. Why does the USA still have troops in Germany 75 years after WW2 ended but we really didn't think that we needed to keep a presence in the Middle East? Now THAT is stupidity!!
Whilst watching Boris on the Andrew Marr show I was immediately struck by the similarity between him and Trump, Boris certainly did the out campaign no favours with his bumbling lack lustre performance.
If we could rewind back to 1983, can you imagine if Trump had been in the hot seat when EX Able Archer was in progress, probably the nearest we have been to Aramageddon since the Cuban crisis, lets show them goddam commies what the good ole USA is about, whoops!
CVCVCV ; Considering that Blair publicly acknowledged that the US led invasion of Iraq was responsible for IS rearing it's ugly head, he's a fool too. For either being led by the nose, or for admitting the truth ! Oh, and I didn't say Bush was stupid, I said he was a fool. Maybe US doesn't always get the same news as we do.
Casper, if Boris made a bad case for the Brexit, then you shouldn't be discouraging, it plays into your ball park.. doesn't it ?
Love and kisses to you both x x x
Last edited by granny; 8th Mar 201612:28am.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Well I don't really know yet granny, still leaning toward staying in but I am willing to listen for anything that may change my mind, I am waiting to hear the outcome of the deal with Turkey, I am also concerned about the vindictiveness being shown toward us by some EU countries should we decide to leave, especially France, as it stands at the minute all we have to go on are threats and counter threats from both sides, and the in fighting by the Tories isn't helping us to make an informed decision.
They are all preparing the onslaught Casper, no good banging on for months until we all get sick of it. (like the US elections). They are probably all compiling their scripts and have a date to take off. We shall wait and see. Someone said yesterday, Turkey could be EU member in the next 3 to 5 years, and we really need to think about that one.
Not really sure that Boris and Donald should be mentioned in the same sentence Casper. At least Boris has a not lowered himself to either doing deals with the Mafia or bragging about the size of his penis , on world wide television. How uncouth ! This is Germany's view of him. For once I agree with them.
Last edited by granny; 8th Mar 20169:28am.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Actually it was Marco Rubio who first dipped into the gutter, when he said something like "Trump has small hands and you know what they say about that" - but no-one is calling out Rubio for being foul-mouthed, are they? No, it's always the one who responds to the taunt who gets nailed.
We all hear what we want to hear, I suppose ('twas ever thus..!)