Consultation now open - scroll down the linked article for opportunities to make your feelings known in advance of the technical consultation in September. As we are coming under Liverpool City Region.. is this now the way we have to go with regard to everything. Liverpool dictate ? (maybe to alleviate Liverpool housing problem)
I would like to know who the Consultations have been made with. Which Companies are involved, which Councilors have already approved these plans, who and how many have identified the locations and where they actually live in relation to Wirrals' Green Belt Land.
In addition Harrock Wood, Irby, is in the mix.. That belongs to the National Trust (or it did)
https://assets.publishing.service.g...5/Liverpool_devolution_deal_unsigned.pdfHOUSING AND PLANNING
22. The Liverpool City Region Mayor will exercise strategic planning powers to help
accelerate economic growth and new housing development throughout the City
Region. This will include:
a. Development of a Single Statutory City Region Framework supporting the
delivery of strategic employment and housing sites throughout the City
Region. Such a Framework would require approval by a unanimous vote of
members appointed to the Combined Authority by the constituent councils.
This approach must not delay the development of local plans - Local
Authorities within the City Region commit to delivering local plans by early
2017, pooling resources across the city region as necessary to do so. These
will support development of the single City Region Framework.
b. The power to be consulted on and/or call-in planning applications of
strategic importance to the City Region, subject to the consent of the relevant
Combined Authority Member for the individual authority area.
c. As a step towards a Statutory Framework, the City Region will commit to the
identification of key economic sites for Housing and for Employment, at the
City Region level, by 2017 to support a Mayoral Development Corporation
approach. The City Region will also create a brownfield register to support
this work. This will support the delivery of new housing and employment
growth ahead of any Statutory Plan being produced.
d. The creation of a Mayoral Development Corporation, which will support the
delivery of key sites through Mayoral Development Zones in the Liverpool City
Region. This will include the ability to undertake Compulsory Purchase
Orders to aid scheme delivery. These powers will be exercised with the
consent of the Authority in which the powers are being used.
e. The government and the City Region will develop a Land Commission
(including a Joint Assets Board for economic assets formerly held by the
Regional Development Agency, with the Joint Asset Board’s terms of
reference being jointly agreed, as far as consistent with government priorities
on public sector land and receipts targets) to support the better coordination
and release of public asset disposals. This will include representation from
senior government officials from relevant Departments and NonDepartmental
Public Bodies. The joint approach will aim to increase the
availability of sites for economic growth, housing, and improved
f. Liverpool City Region and the government will continue to discuss the
devolution of housing loan funds and the city regions future housing