During daylight there was a shooting today in Birkenhead near the Borough Road Shell Petrol Station (near the infamous Larch Road, the only place I know of where a whole road was ASBO'd).
I think with all the stabbings that seem to be the norm these days, i think the people need a vote on harsher penalty's for law breakers like knife crime and shootings, i would hang the lot of them! And if we go down that road again and can't find any one to pull the lever, give me a call i do it for free to rid the place of all the ...!
None of the main parties are talking about local issues such as this - it all seems to be long term stuff.
One thing we could do is a significant increase in military spending to provide jobs, skills, and training to give a structure and direction for many young people. It would also provide work for military contractors building things like tanks, ships, planes etc. This is maybe only part of the solution but I think it would help.
I normally agree with your views but sadly how can changing a tory led country stop these crimes, it will not.
While it is very hard to correct law and order, it is far easier to maintain law and order, this Government has not done enough to maintain law and order, they have cut the number of police considerably.
They have also downrated crime both in reduced sentencing and by police non-attendance at reported crime.
Respect for the law comes from an early age, this current young generation know more about what they are likely to get away with than what they will be prosecuted for. Seeing people avoid a jail sentence despite having 30+ previous convictions is a joke, jails are not for punishment, they are there for the protection of society, when people prove they are persistent criminals then the public should be protected from them.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
We've also had a good rash of stabbings and the odd machete recently round the Wirral, let's hope this Government is sacked on the 12th December.
Ah yes. If in doubt blame it on the Tories. Grenfell Tower fire, Flooding. Shooting in Birkenhead. All caused by the Tories. No question.
If Comrade Corbyn becomes PM within six months the NHS will be running like a well-oiled machine and there will be no more crime.
Labour- for the many. Not the Jew.
Reducing the number of police by 125,000 does not effect law and order then?
Being pro-Palestinian and an anti-Zionist makes you anti-Semitic? I would challenge you to find another non-Jewish UK politician who has done more to fight anti-Semitism than Corbyn most of which he did before all this media lies and hypocrisy arrived.
But you can carry on reading the Daily Fail if you want.
And no, things can't be fixed over-night from the massive destruction that has happened to our Country.
The Tories have spent far more than any other UK Government to give to the few, but us, the public have picked up the debt as we always do from Tory borrowing (Labour have always borrowed less - check the facts).
the Tories were just about to further relax fire safety legislation just before Grenfell. Cutting fire brigade funding of course would not affect our fire safety either would it????
Last edited by diggingdeeper; 27th Nov 20197:21pm.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
Police searched a very near location on the same day, around Grasmere Court, Penrith Street (beside the Turner Street car park opposite Birkenhead Library), stolen weapons including a rifle were found in the undergrowth. I believe this was earlier in the day and probably unconnected.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
I normally agree with your views but sadly how can changing a tory led country stop these crimes, it will not.
Changing a Tory led country will not stop these crimes you are quite right, they have already damaged this county with the vicious cuts to public spending and are now telling us they will put things right, is that not an admission that they have failed? we will recruit 20,000 police officers yet they cut 22,000 what annoys me is the gullible will fall for it, their lies have been exposed time and time again and their answer is the same old deny deny deny.
they have already damaged this county with the vicious cuts to public spending and are now telling us they will put things right, is that not an admission that they have failed?
No, its a sign that we've had to tighten our belts due to austerity. The worst is over and we can start investing again.
And if you think its just the Tories who would introduce austerity, think again. Just before the 2010 election:
Alistair Darling admitted tonight that Labour's planned cuts in public spending will be "deeper and tougher" than Margaret Thatcher's in the 1980s, as the country's leading experts on tax and spending warned that Britain faces "two parliaments of pain" to repair the black hole in the state's finances.
They will not lock them up as the prisons are Full. They said 5 years max for carrying a Knife NO excuses will be accepted. Do i believe our law NO as today is about deals as the Prisons are on the verge. American justice is a bit harsh but we could get close and only if we build Prisons to meet Population growth.
Sorry but it doesn't seem to matter who is in power these days, the good doers have screwed it up, someone said lets have first aid bags in pubs, clubs etc in case anyone is stabbed, to me, that's saying its the norm for people to go out and knife another person. The guy who stabbed the couple at the station last year, he was jailed for life yesterday and the judge said he had to serve latest 11 years! The judge should be sacked and the scrum give two life sentences. Those ... in the film need to be rounded up, taken out to the woods made to dig a hole and then a plastic bag put over their heads and push them into the hole, cover them over, same goes for any other ... roaming the streets that's the only way to deal with it. They don't work, pay no taxes, steal everything they have, they are a burden on society the prisons are full, they do what they like because they know they will get off lightly. Exterminate them like the vermin they are! Problem solved.!
No, its a sign that we've had to tighten our belts due to austerity. The worst is over and we can start investing again.
How can we be in austerity when this Government had more money to spend than any other Government by a long long way.
Austerity was for the many and not the few, it was used as an excuse for excessive borrowing to give a LOT of money to the rich while piling the debt on the rest of us.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn