Does anyone recall Rutherfords Shipping company in Birkenhead? My mother used to be a chaffeuse for them. She drove their MG VA 1 1/2 litre. She always wanted to fin d out what happened to it but loads of searches brouight nothing.
Alexander Rutherford Sr of Perth, Scotland. Born 24 May 1838. Died 15 September 1916. Established A.Rutherford and Co Ship Repairers and Boatbuilders in Birkenhead. A prominent freemason. Married Esther Hannah Perry (born 17 December 1843, died 2 July 1917 aged 74).
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Rutherfords Boat Builders {Neptune Yard}Birkenhead. built the ROYAL BARGE that the present queen used while sailing up the river Thames during her corination
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten
A Rutherford and Co of Neptune Works, Bridge Street, Birkenhead
•1853 Company founded. •1914 Shipbuilders and Repairers, Engineers, Boilermakers, Steam Yacht and Boat Builders, Ship and Yacht Outfitters. Specialities: Light Draft Steam and Motor Vessels of all kinds, all descriptions of small craft, ship repairs of all kinds. [1] •1921 Became private company. •1961 Ship repairers and boiler makers. 350 employees. [2]
Last edited by bert1; 22nd Sep 20105:30am.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
My old man started his apprenticeship with them before the war. When he returned I think they had folded but they gave him proof of apprenticesip so he could finish his training as a Shipwright with Cammell Lairds