We now know the development of Birkenhead town centre has started, what do you think of the plans?
Plot A is the first one underway and has a detailed application for offices with flexible uses for retail, leisure or food and beverages on the ground floors.
The largest of these new offices are going to be used by Wirral Council, does this mean that Wallasey Town Hall will be left to history?
The wider areas of the site has been applied for in outline. This means that the detailed design has yet to be fixed for plots B, C, D, E, F, G, I, and J. For those plots, it’s the principle of development and its type that is being applied for, so this illustration is not an exact one.
Here are all the other outline applications.
Plot B. Car park.
Plot C. The replacement of the market with a new market hall, offices, retail and leisure.
Plot D. Substation.
Plot E. Hotel, office, residential, retail and leisure.
Plot F. Improvements to bus station.
Plot G. Hotel, residential and car park.
Plot H. Substation.
Plots I and J. Residential.
Amongst all this new development, I hope they don't knock The Crown pub down.
Most may have seen this already but all the details are here.