You may be suprised to know that no one knows the final location until possible a night or two before.
This is for obvious reason to keep the final location out of the public domain, and prevent any final location being closed or blocked off.
So its not that cruisewirral is keeping any information from you.
You will have to keep an eye on the forums for any up dates.
What we do try to do however is to tell you the possible miles in advance.
You may not have noticed that this event was posted by a member not admin or a moderator.
So if you want to know any of the advance details we reccomend you Private message "Rachael" for any advanced information.
As this event is listed in "Up n Coming Events"
its testing the water so to speak to see what intrest from members we get.
If we have enough intrest then we could organise a convoy and create a new topic in "Up n coming convoys" which show's where we are off to next.
Unfortunatly scoop we wouldnt know the final destination until a few days before as it can change from week to week.
Hope this helps.
P.s. AliasOmega your welcome to any of cruisewirral convoys.