Samsung D900....slimmest 3.0 megapixel camera phone on the market...apparently....and the colours on the phone are incredible...only thing is the i got mine on contract, which a mate who worked at T-mobile sorted out for now payin 20 squid a month..friends and 512 mb memory card free internet....very good in my books
I have the D600 and thats a pretty decent phone, camera quality is good (Only a 2MP compared to the D900), good audio quality and a memory slot for upgrading memory.
Samsung - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
Best phone I have used for photo's is by far the Sony Erricson K800i, its also the only phone to incroporate a real flash and uses the same optics as Sony's lower end Cybershot camera's, hence the Cybershot branding.
I think you are all forgetting the N95 has now come to market, and offers a extremely refined 5.0 megapixel camera, which uses Carl Ziess optic's. It doesnt suffer from the shortcomings in colour reproduction that the N73 suffers from, and the optics are even better, so it should right now be the very best camera phone on the market atm.
For video, the best phone would certainly be the N93 and N95, they have near-DVD quality recording. The only downer with the N93 is the fact it is big, and the N95 is it is expensive atm. But then it has intergrated GPS and a million other gadgets on it so...
The N93 also has the advantage of 3.1x optical zoom.
I dunno where people have got the idea that Samsung's are the best on the market to be honest, they, like Motorola's, tend to only offer adequate quality when it comes to imaging, as the manufacturers tend to go for design rather then quality of features.
Here are the pics:
1. Sony Ericsson K800i - Currently the best affordable camera phone on the market. Has a real Xenon flash for taking night photo's and it really is amazing. Battery life is also exceptional, a place where all Nokia's suffer. Video recording is CIF, and is therefore weak, even the Nokia N70 has QCIF.
2. The Nokia N95 - The newest, best and most expensive camera phone on the market currently. Won't be beaten until Sony release the K850 for photographs, and probably wont be beaten for at least another generation or two for video quality.
3. The Nokia N93 - The previous best video camera phone, offers similar quality to the N95 but in a larger format and slightly less refined. Has the advantage of optical zoom however.
That N95 basically looks like a camera..with the added option of bein a also guessing that the prices for the N95 and N93 would be pretty steep..the samsung is not the most expensive..but with a good quality camera....suppose it all depends on how much your willing to spend
The K800i is cheaper then the Samsung D900 and offers much better photo quality, it was the best camera phone until the N95 came out.
If any, it is the K800i that looks like a camera with the added features of a phone, however, this is not a true statement for either the K800i, N93 or N95, they are all excellent phones and offer many more features and ease of use with regards to phones then comparable Samsung or Motorola phones.
The N93 is fast coming down in price due to the recent launch of the N95. They can be picked up for free on £30 a month contracts now and have been removed from Expansys, so they will be at clearance price now, and extremely comparable to the D900. It will become even cheaper with the launch of the N93i in the not too distant future. They are still not the cheapest, but the topic is the "best" video, not the cheapest.
To be honest, for affordable video, I would actually recommend the likes of the 6680/N70/N73 etc, they offer QCIF quality video recording, and are as cheap as chips.
Just for reference, I am finding the N93 is around the £230 level on average, however I have been able to find it for £180. The D900 seems to be around the £200 level, so the price is certainly comparable, and the N93 will go lower in price when the N93i is released and N95 becomes more widely available next month.
Yes the Sony Ericsson K800i is a decent phone and the camera quality and flash are amazing, but 2 of my mates in work had one and the crappy joystick-like naviation button broke on both.
Good phone, great quality camera, just a crap design that lets it down - Hence why I'd recommend the D900.
The D900 compared to the others is also slim and has larger and less akward buttons than the other two. I mean, take a look at the N95 and how many buttons there are, the size of them and how close together they are - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
But the D900 "cannot" even be compared to the N93/N95 for video quality.
So why people are still talking about it is beyond me.
The thread is for the best video quality, im not sure where the design comes into it... Plus i personally prefer the N95 design to the D900, or indeed any Samsung.
And the K800i is amazingly designed imho, I had a limited edition silver one for a couple of months and it is certainly on of the best looking phones on the market right now, and compared to Scotts E900, the build quality of the phone is just so much better.
And nobody at all can slate the N93 in any way for button's, it is a nigh on perfect design, just a shame its a bit big (although much smaller then a MiniDV camcorder and equal, if not better, video quality).
True, the topic is about the best picture and video quality.
On that alone, I'd definately agree with your 3 choices.
If a decent camera is all you're after though, I'd spend the money on a camera, not a camera phone. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
ive had a digital camera for about 2 years..and its only a 2.8 megapixel one...thats 2 less than the ....wait for it....SAMSUNG D900 hahahahaha........dont worry matty....ill stop now