- The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
prolly wont be developed for years. its been like that since they knocked down the old mecca bingo years ago, another building I would have liked to got a picture of before it went - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
For some extra info, iirc, that building on the right, where that Connexions place is located today amongst others, is the old Birkenhead General Hospital, I think it was closed down when they tried to amalgamate all the local hospitals into the then newly built Arrowe Park (probably seemed a good idea at the time, but as we now know, its totally impractical).
I only remembered this, because before it was all redeveloped and they had the old bus station, I remember asking me mum about it whilst waiting for a bus every weekend, must have been about 10 lol.
Connexions place is inside that building. It's an old Birkenhead Boys school (think girls may have been there at a later date)
Got loads of pics of this building so will upload them in another topic later.
AFAIK, and as is my understanding, the general hospital was a lot further down past the park entrance where Livingstone street is today. I've heard a few storys (some gorey, but can't squite remember them) about the old general hospital.
I'd like to find a picture of it (think I have found one before, but its lost in my millions of files on disc) and try and get a modern day pic of it. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
yeah the boys school rings a bell. I think it says summit about that on the outside of the building come to think about it, its engraved into the stone??
it also has 2 boy's entrances' (one being the council and the other being connexions)
think there may be a girls entrance around the side, but forgot to check and take pics (missus was shouting and giving me evils and I got annoyed by a cock of a traffic warden who seemed to keep getting in my photos and giving me funny looks - I f'kin HATE traffic wardens ) - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
I think a nurse who used to work there (or some woman who used to live close by) told me it.
I was really little, might have been a friend of my mums...really can't remember.
Just remember her talking about blood and lots of screams. you could hear screams walking past in the middle of the night.
Thats the only bit I remember her talking about. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.