That looks very nice... but the pigeons certainly won't take very kindly to all that use of glass... they wont know whether they are inside or outside.
Will it be done as part of the Wirral Waters development??
Cos the whole area is gonna look very modern due to the development, so something would need to be done with the building anyway.
Will be good if they can make good use of the existing historic architecture and preserve it for future generations. It's sad to see, that although they were long derelict and dangerous due to the decline of the docks, most of the buildings and history has disappeared over the past decade.
Looks like Mersey Mammoth was passing through. There seems to be a bit of activity at the docks at the moment. There are a couple of large ships in the that dock next to the penny bridge.
Last edited by KevinFinity; 12th Feb 20104:57pm. Reason: excessive use of the word 'moment'
was in that line of traffic waiting for the mamoth to go through {3rd from the front] the ships up near the penny bridge are being worked on by cammell lairds repair. they use that area of the dock system as they are unabel to access the wet basin of the original cammell lairds due to a dispute with the last owners of the yard
Last edited by jimbob; 12th Feb 20109:59pm.
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten