The Cottages were derelict not too long ago i was told. One person has been buying them, fixing them, and selling them, but not with out his troubles with the council and planning.
The Ring o Bells inn used to be on the corner next to the church but the local parishioners forced its closure in the late 1800s due to the drunken behaviour of the regulars disturbing church goers Ring o Bells Inn
Last edited by jonno39; 10th Mar 20086:06pm.
It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents ,pound shillings and pence
The ring o bells played a huge part in smuggling. Contraband was hidden there and taken to wallasey. There are detailed notes of smugglers attacking customs officer in Bidston with weapons. Nothing changes eh ? !!
Bidston Hall is meant to be haunted. Bidston Hall farm opposite the church has a proest hole hidden within the building. Theres so much history in Bidston too much to write ! A
Thoes cottages were bought up by a guy called Dave Evans. Hes a bricky / self made millionair. Hes into restoring buildings and always got something on the go! He collects CRANES, just caus he likes them and gets me to do the maintenance. Havnt seen him for a while, last time, he had a small JET engine he was thinking of putting into a Land Rover chassis to see wot would happen!!! Give you a clue Dave....
Stil got the jet engine, and the cranes he keeps on various sites hes working on!! He owns ALL thoes cottages in the block and i think he has something to do with the ones on the other side of the road! Nicest guy in the world, bit loopy(sorry Dave!) got a lot of time for him! Sometimes its not about the money, people are more interesting!