Not sure if ive caught up with all of this, but it may be
because i'm older than Matty but i am siding with Brian, and his views.
By this i mean that if a DNA Database was enabled and insurance companies were allowed access to it, can you imagine the selective insurance available?
IMO the database would be a screening for future illnesses and
then insurance companies would be refusing cover for x y and z.
Its already happening by postcode for a lot of things but the DNA
would be the icing on the cake.
Personally i don't trust the government with any of our information, for one they cant look after it,
second they will probably sell it where they can,
and third, when they do have it they cant even keep it current?
I cant remember the last time i received a letter stating
who has what info about me and what it was.
Its just crazy...
Why should i have to pay a credit file company say experian
for just a name £3 to read about me? See my info is already
being exploited why dosnt the bill go to the company who want
to know about me?
I'm against too much information being in one place.
For one i'm so pleased i haven't been cloned "Financially"
I agree Brian,
what could be more private then having your DNA on a Database?
I heard something on the Radio today about the Government wanting to pass legislation to record evey e-mail that is ever sent under the anti terrorist laws?
I think they do it anyway, but making it more open.
But again another storage database about me and others with out
our concent, when and were will it end