Well since i just bought my first motor i thought it was only the right thing to do and put it in here lol...
totally standard just now but once paid for i will still have about £400 left to play with (get a small spoiler and maybe some new headlights (angel eyes) - or may trawl ebay for some nicer wheels
leave it std, couple of nice irmskir parts would look nice though
will leave the engine standard most prob... have a list of things i'll be adding to it tho but money is gonna be fairly tight until i finish payin for me decks and xbox!
wheels badgeless grill possibly lowering springs (wheels will be bought first tho) front splitter sideskirts rear diffuser and maybe some diff lights if i see any that i like
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hmmm, after morethinking and sniffing around have spotted this car (gone off the silver one now lol... typical me! still plan on getting a 1.6 sxi tho!
would definitely need to buy a spoiler and get it sprayed and should still have enough to change the wheels altho they arent so much an issue as they where on the silver one i originally looked at (this is me trying not to jump on the first one i see lol)
probs go through to glasgow to see the car this weekend, already told the missus she's not got a lot of choice haha!
also like the silver astra on their site (might drive them both and see wot happens) - should be more options in glasgow anyway - where the cars are
Ive had 100s of them as hire cars and they are awful!!!
The seats give me back pain after about 30 mins, the engine is lazy, and flat through out the revs. The steering is unresponsive and light, and they just get masses of understeer when pushed on.
Have you considered a similar spec Focus? The suspension is a little firmer, they are more responsive and the engine is a little more lively and on the whole it is a much more entertaining drive
Davey, test drive a few differnt cars - not just different models of Astra
As its your first car Im pretty sure any driving experiences will be very limited, and your choices are down to price and appearance. Trust me though, drive a Focus (Even a 1.6) and the Astra will be blown from your clouded thoughts