Well i can tell you what one of the familys in that one MissGuided posted are doing..
June Wylde is now retired and living down south, robby wylde is working on the oil rigs earning a mint, and everyone else in the wylde family are working and bringing up familys of their own.. and in 1991 they were in the paper for having one of the biggest familys in the north-west
Well i can tell you what one of the familys in that one MissGuided posted are doing..
June Wylde is now retired and living down south, robby wylde is working on the oil rigs earning a mint, and everyone else in the wylde family are working and bringing up familys of their own.. and in 1991 they were in the paper for having one of the biggest familys in the north-west
How did you know that?
Lol they are my family, June is my Nan
Thing about lies is... you will finally get caught out, remember that
Oh i dont know.. there are loads of them.. my nan had 10 kids and all of them have gone off and had between 2-6 kids of their own.. and now their kids have kids.. Tis a big family, cant keep track of them all lol
Thing about lies is... you will finally get caught out, remember that
The fella in the Green Tracksuit sitting down next to his wife is my Uncle Roy there living in tranmere in a huge house and have jobs. There son who they where talking about our david went in the army for 2 years and went to iraq but know hes home and got a partner and a baby.. The twins which where in the play pen not sure in what there doing and there youngest billy has just finished school i think
just past (asbo towers} we call it ihe new houses by st james birkenhead, the ... shouting out at people going past! what has the place become? its not everyone who lives there just the few!just makes me sick had the kids with me as well. thank god thay are to young to understand!
Please do not adjust your mind, there is a slight problem with reality