What about the old concrete bunkers and concrete sheds at the back of the Woods, did they have anything to do with the Tramway, because I always thought that was an old army barracks. Have you seen the dinosaur footprint in British Museum(I think) from Storeton Quarry. I remember climbing up the quarry wall as a kid, I think about it now ooooooooooooooh.
Don't remember any bunkers and sheds; where exactly were they? If you climbed in the quarry in the woods you must be older than I am! it was filled in in the early 1930's.
As far as I remember the quarry(A quarry) was still there in the late 50's early 60's. It was on the east side of Mt Rd between Bracken Lane and Village Rd. It was a fairly large hole with a lot of water in it. Looking back now (48yrs) it seems that the eastern edge which was a rock face was probably level with Mt Rd. I can see on GoogleMaps some open space which maybe the area. We also used to play in an old L shaped house somewhere near the woods on the west side same side as the concrete bunker stuff, I remember because I was nearly hit by a large piece of roofing slate when I was climbing out of one of the windows. It looks suspiciously like Storeton House. Now I know they were there because we used to play soldiers and lock each other in the concrete bunkers. They had steel doors with steel pull down locking handles. And that is about all I remember.
Yes, the East quarry was there until it was filled with the spoil from the Wallasey tunnel. The quarries in the woods were filled with the spoil from the Queensway tunnel in the late 1920's. If you look in the now & then section, there's a post by BMW Joe entitled Mount Rd. Higher Bebington. which shows the quarry you remember. The L shaped house was probably Woodside Cottage, where the tramway crossed Rest Hill Rd. I expect you will remember where you could see the tracks crossing the road, embedded in the tarmac. Now, the bunkers. It's a long time ago; is it possible you are mistaken about the location? Near the woods, about 400 yards down from the top of Lever Causeway, on the right, there was a radar station which was abandoned after the war and was much as you describe. The buildings were semi-sunken in the ground & had the steel doors & handles. I remember when the aerial pylon was still there, but if I judge your age correctly it was probably removed when you knew it. Photo with location attached
I remember the radar station - I used to play there in the 80s - found a dead cat full of maggots once!!!!!!
Was demolished about 15 years ago I think. There's also something in the field past the end of the Stanley av - if you drive to the very end it can be seen in the distance with a security fence round it.
Chris, thats sound like it. It is funny how your mind goes after about 30+ years. You guys are doing a fantastic job and I really am enjoying this site. I hope I can contribute more.
Chris, thats sound like it. It is funny how your mind goes after about 30+ years. You guys are doing a fantastic job and I really am enjoying this site. I hope I can contribute more.
Dave Miller
If your mind's going after 30 years, what do you think it's like for me after 60 years? All of us remember bits; with any luck, all different bits & between us we may come up with the answer. A classic recently is when I remembered the Tranmere tunnels vent shaft at the top of Holborn Hill in one place but Pinzgauer remembered it on the other side of the alley: turns out we were both right! Please keep telling what you remember.
Half way through the woods, on the semi overgrown walk nearest to Mount road there is what looks like an old part of a tramline appearing through the muddy path. No doubt as the water dries up I will be able to see it better. It looks exactly like the ones that used to be visible on the road between the woods when I was younger.
Half way through the woods, on the semi overgrown walk nearest to Mount road there is what looks like an old part of a tramline appearing through the muddy path. No doubt as the water dries up I will be able to see it better. It looks exactly like the ones that used to be visible on the road between the woods when I was younger.
Hi, Bernie; a pic & precise location would be good if you get a chance. I presume it's not the one with the plaque shown earlier in this thread, where the line turned from the embankment into the cutting? The location of some more of the track would be very interesting.
No, its not. Its right at the top by Mount road about 100-150 yards along to the left. if you walk about 20 yards in from the entrance on Mount Road and turn left you will come to it. I will atke a photo but it might not be until the weekend. I will try to find a second one-I guess about two and ahalf feet apart?
If the entrance on Mount Rd. is the one nearly opposite Mill Rd. a bit to the right if you are standing in Mill Rd. then that would be on the site of the quarry itself, which when it was in use would have been maybe 80 feet deep, so any rails would have been at the bottom. Can you see if the rail is of the fish belly profile, like the preserved & labelled bit at the embankment? Here's a pic. http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10246962&wwwflag=2&imagepos=3 The gauge was standard gauge: 4' 8 1/2"