i think i might no wear the 1 on the hill is i spent a lot of time up ther 3 years ago wen i first moved her with bein cut of from my mates an that i used to tack my littel lad up ther an now thinking back i can recall sumthing a littel north east of the cock pit and recall a mettel beam with concreat on it south east of the obbservetey but i dident no wat it was then i never have stayd to a path i will find it again
ok nice 1 mate . if ur at the main entrance and look stright at and walk at it as if u was goin into it but go up over the frount of it an up the hill about 20 meaters u cum to like a cut out road kinda like boundry road but running north to south and on this road thay is 15 by 11 ish foot square concret about a foot thick with 3 steps down the north side it looks to be in line with the main entrence do u recall this mate ?
remember being told there are tunnels from bidston church to bidston hall .(something to do with the smuggling that used to go on.) how true this is I dont know.
P.s. I was married at bidston church ... 27 yrs ago ..... WOW! where's it gone?
Looks like nothing has changed since we were last there. If you go again look at the soil in front and immediately adjacent to the rocks its different to all the other soil.The soil on the hill is quite unique it is very peat like and on the top of the hill the depth of the soil is very thin hence why only certain species of plant life can grow in the conditions
Last edited by jonno40; 20th Aug 20085:56pm.
It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents ,pound shillings and pence
Not sure if you should be posting these in the Bidston Hill tunnels topic in wirral history thread.but some really good shots there mate deffo looks like some one is trying to reopen them.The nxt time you go up there let us know .
It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents ,pound shillings and pence