When I was a young-(er) lad the caves used to be a playground to a lot of us,I was never out of there.I even remeber the brick type shelter on the Bidston hill entrance befor it was knocked down and covered.There was a gang from the council who came to what we call (the rods).Thier mission was to uncover an old pathway which once used to be there time ago.Whilst they where uncovering this pathway they actualy uncovered a concrete block which is about 8` wide and ran straight across the pathway and continued.This is strange becuase I know it has something to do with the caves but it would be at ceiling hieght and the ceilings are not concrete.
I visited Bidston today, I was fascinated after reading this topic. So I thought I would go and have a bit of a scout. Sorry to bring this topic to light again, but my curiosity got the better of me.
Any way, there is talk of a Brow Road exit, as yet un-found if I'm correct in reading. Well has any one considered this area? The red line is a rough guild of a path, the yellow + is the area in question.
In this area there is this.... And just a bit further up, and to the right as you head up towards the cockpit, amongst the trees is a drop of about 1 foot, and us uniformly carved out of the rock, it's around 8 feet wide, but trees prevented me from venturing any further along this dug out area, I forgot to get a picture of this.
Anyway, the shaft by the cock pit, if you jump on it it sounds quite hollow at points. quick piccy. of the exposed corner. There is also reinforced brick in this area.
I also have a theory about the steel door that is shut solid, maybe that area is just back filled with a few tonne of soil, water over time will seep through sandstone, but if that door is not airtight water could seep through the soil and through any gaps in that door.
I am pleased to see that this topic is still going strong. As I have said earlier I was in there way back in the 60's(surely youv'e heard of them) anyway. I remember that you could see the main entrance from Hoylake Rd and I am sure it was at right angles to the road. But it was a very interesting place. Have a great time.