Set one of the rockets off last night, and they're not bad for £9.
They dont screach, but they are fairly louds when they go off
Anyone know where to get really loud ones from? lol - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
Went to Wallasey this time, little firework shop near ASDA.
Got a selection box, pack of 10 screamers, pack of sparklers and a pack of rockets for £20
They're selling this selection box for £25 too:
so bought another one.
Set off one of the screamers and it was dud, tried to set fire to it 3 times but wasn't having it.
So set another one off and they're well cool.
Set off a few of the big ones in the Wizard selection box, and they were ok, but nothing amazing, then we tried the smallest, fartiest rocket in the box, called magic vanish or something like that.
Expected it to be shit, but it set off loud and went off with a real loud bang. Well impressed by it.
Bigger doesn't always mean better lol
Would recommend the place in Wallasey, very cheap. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
im gettin mine tomoz from wallasey kingstreet. cant wait! last year i got them from a place in winsford (where i was living) were good ones! so im lookin to see how they compare.
Waa waa waa, I'm a party pooper and I dont like fireworks.
Only jokin mate, yeah dog was shit scared before when we were setting off fireworks, gunna have to keep it closed away with the TV on loud - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
mmmmmmmmmm returned three times mmmm joe you need ya head testin dude i wont even dare tell ya wot happend last year as you all will be so fooooked off wid me but i think mattlfc knows about it wid the incident involving a firework and me mum well lets say i managed to set fire to me mum full story will be told if you all want it
The fact that Joe returned to a lit firework 3 TIMES!!!! means a careful reminder is required....
Dont return to already lit fireworks peeps... if nothing happens...then just leave them...and douse them with water later on.
Better to be safe than to have 1 hand.
It wasnt me who went back to it
Originally Posted by jonno40
scott do tell - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Motoring Enthusiasts. - The Northwest's Biggest forum of Modified Car Enthusiasts.
mmmmmmmmmm returned three times mmmm joe you need ya head testin dude i wont even dare tell ya wot happend last year as you all will be so fooooked off wid me but i think mattlfc knows about it wid the incident involving a firework and me mum well lets say i managed to set fire to me mum full story will be told if you all want it