There are some online directories here They are a bit of a pain to search, imho, and it's better looking up names rather than addresses but they may be of use to someone.
Yes but in Kelly/Gores you can look up both. Either the address or look for the name. Ideal for cross checking. Only lists the main occupant though so if you are looking at family history you will have to dig deeper.
If anyone is not aware then you can check your Cheshire ancestors on here Of course it is likely that some of you youngsters might not realise we used to be Cheshire
These are not full lists as they are still working on them but you can find a fair few ancestoral relatives if from Cheshire.
Just some tips on the online Historical Directories, Kelly is by name and or business and Gores is by street name. The easiest way is to select the decade then browse the directory and manually put in the image number and work out backwards and forwards, as per the alphabet. Somebody in another thread was looking for Orderly Place , I could not find it in the 1900 directory. Still checking to see if there are any later ones. But they have heaps ofinfo for most of the wirral.
OK my bad, Kelly does have street address as well, but still can't find Orderly Place. But an interesting one is a pork butcher in Oxton Rd named Carl Deuschele I wonder if that became Dashley in later years(Pork Butcher in my time 50's onwards).
OK my bad, Kelly does have street address as well, but still can't find Orderly Place. But an interesting one is a pork butcher in Oxton Rd named Carl Deuschele I wonder if that became Dashley in later years(Pork Butcher in my time 50's onwards).
Apparently during the early 1900s there were quite a few German family's in the Birkenhead area and a few butchers amongst them but a lot of them bore the brunt of the anti German riots after the sinking of the liner the Lusitania on may the 7th 1915 of the coast of Ireland
Last edited by jonno40; 20th Nov 20089:54am.
It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents ,pound shillings and pence
Memories, memories. You are stirring up memories about books I have seen in the past. I am SURE I have/ had a small book listing the roads in some areas of Wallasey/ New Brighton and who lived at each address & what was the main occupation. I KNOW I had. The problem is I have maybe 1000 books in the house and the storage/ ordering is not what it should be. I could also have loaned it to someone because I have not seen it for yonks. Loaned it to mother is most likely - I will ask tomorrow.
While having a quick hunt tonight I found these two. Again I knew they were there but had forgotten about them until you all started this thread. I'm getting too old I think.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
Hummm - mother remembers the book of road names/ houses/ occupants & occupations but says she does not have it. However, she always says that.
Maybe this weekend I will "tidy" one of the bookcases and it will magically appear.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
When we moved into our house, we were given all the paperwork for the past owners. We were even given transcribed wills before our house was built and the way the road was. Grange Road West used to have a farm on it in the late 1800's.
Usually when a house changes hands so do all the papers associated with the property. Or at least that's what has happened to me twice now. If you were not given a load of paperwork it may be with the mortgage lenders. You could check with the solicitors who did the conveyance. I've got the original deeds for the first time my house was bought and everything since then. Also the details of who owned the land etc Failing that you could try the Kelly's directories (reference library) to look back at names associated with the address. Sometimes people in the area will have little stories of the people who lived there. You'll be able to see what was there hopefully by looking at the tithe maps and other maps of the area. You could probably get a rough idea of when the property was built by comparing maps from different dates. If your house is old enough you may be able to find details of occupants from Census results. Also try te Land Registry - though this will incure a fee. Can anyone add anything to this?
This was excellent information - thank you.
I think I've exhausted all online resources now, but the tithe maps and some of the old maps posted elsewhere on this forum have been really interesting.
I'm interested in the top end of Whetstone Lane, which, I think, was listed as part of Holt Hill for some time (Wellington Terrace was, anyway).
I'm still drawing a blank because I believe the house numbers have changed over time.
I'm planning on going to the Wirral Archives near Pacific Road, unless someone can tell me it's a waste of time...
Hope you don't live in the house where the guy hanged himself in the loft and wasn't found for a couple of years, or the one were the old lady of the house collapsed onto the fire and melted. I worked on both houses years ago and it was spooky.
The old lady one wasn't in Birkenhead was it? Near Grange Road West? I've a vague memory of something like that happening to a relative's neighbour.