Bert,I have only just managed to view the images on here (pc trouble.You have got some truely first class items there.Thankyou for sharing mate.Superb.
This is interesting in a couple of respects. First, here the name is written with the initial is before the surname; I would have expected it to be Williams.D. Second, he was expecting to get from Aldershot to Liverpool & back between the end of duty on one day & reveille the next day (if I'm reading it correctly). I'm guessing that reveille would be no later than 7am.
Chris, can't explain the name, that's down to whoever filled it in. I do know it was for my Father to attend a funeral of family friend. Remember him telling me, travelled up, funeral, travelled back.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
The verse on the inside of the Christmas Card reads:
There's gladness in remembrance Now greeting time is here, And in my "Book of Memory" Your name is ever dear. May you while we are parted, Happy and safe remain, Till we renew our memories, And share our joys again.
His Release Book lists his conduct as "exemplary" and the testimonial says:
A very honest and reliable man. He has performed his work in the Army very satisfactorily at all times, applying himself dilligently and conscientiously to whatever he has been given to do. He is recommended as being hardworking, adaptable, efficient and most trustworthy.
Sometimes Police Officers give more than just speeding tickets!
It�s hard to be fit as a fiddle when you�re shaped like a cello!
His Release Book lists his conduct as "exemplary" and the testimonial says:
A very honest and reliable man. He has performed his work in the Army very satisfactorily at all times, applying himself dilligently and conscientiously to whatever he has been given to do. He is recommended as being hardworking, adaptable, efficient and most trustworthy.
LOL, what that actually means,Jaci, is "xx years of undetected crime" (just joking) Cheers, Chris.