Same principal as last time folks, you need to take out some vodka to fit the mints in. I am going to use about half the bag of mints, (approx 100g), but you could add a few more or less depending on your personal taste. Be carefull not to add too many or your drink may become syrupy.
So simple, yet so effective. This is the best tasting vodka I've ever made. It helps when you start with quality ingredients though.
This principal can be used with all boiled sweets, e.g. cola cubes, pear drops etc... If the sweets are covered with extra sugar in that crusty way, you might want to rinse them with warm water first, to get rid of that excess sweetness, (or keep it, it's upto you).
If anyone wants to experiment with another flavour, please tell us about it.
Next time I think I'm gonna go for a real cherry infusion , slighty more dificult, (not really).
OK Snodvan, pay attention. I'm unwrapping the sweets before I put them into the bottle.
OK OK - so I was having a "senior moment". I read the words OK but my brain told me you were NOT unwrapping the sweets.
Can't help being a twit
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
So I thought I'd best get myself down to the shops for some cherries. These were the only ones they had, and a little pricey too. I suppose it's because they're out of season. These lil beauties were flown in from South America. I don't know what's 'extra special' about them other than they're abit big.
First thing is to give 'em a good wash. All fruit from the supermarket needs a good wash imho, they're covered in pesticides, preservatives and waxes to keep 'em looking shiney on the shelf for longer.
Then we have to find a nice, clean, airtight jar to put all the ingredients in. Me being a cheffy type of person, I've got lots of these 'parfait' jars knocking about. They come in handy for all sorts of things. This one holds 1 litre...
Next up we have to pit the cherries, (take the stones out).
Actually, it's not vitally important to pit the fruit, you could just score the flesh with a knife. Thing is, if you leave the stones in, your finished product will take on an almond taint. This is because the stones contain a minute amount of cyanide which smells of almonds. It'd never be enough to actually harm you though and maybe you might prefer cherry almond flavour.