Good news for people researching old newspapers - the library website has a link button to 19th Century newspapers from the British Library collection. You will need your library borrower number to access the newspapers.
It is searchable by a word (e.g. Liscard) or by a publication (e.g. Liverpool Mercury) or by a specific date or a date range - or by a combination of these. If your searchword is general (e.g. shipwreck) and you have not specified a particular publication, you will get lots of hits including many from distant papers e.g. Glasgow Herald. If your searchword is local (e.g. Greasby) then most of the results will be local papers (mostly Liverpool, occasionally Manchester, rarely Preston) even if you have not specified a particular publication.
It even allows multi-word searches e.g. Leasowe lighthouse.
The only thing you will need is lots of time.