I've got a few old pics, I'll chuck them up whenever they seem relevant. A lot of them are catalogued with "Historic Wirral" on them so not sure if the rights are held by somebody...
Is that a stream running behind (to the west) of the Waterworks on the 1910 map - or is it the Fender ? - or a tributary stream running into it ? Looks very much like it, especially as it has a boundary running down it.
Methinks this might be the source of the water....? for the works?.
The stream running past the pumping station is the Fender, it used to pass under Ford Road through a circular 'tunnel' lined with white glazed tiles. It was taken through a culvert and its course was changed slightly when the M53 was built.
The punping station raised water from an artesian well (reputed to be 860 feet deep) and pumped it, through the Thermopylae Pass, to the water works in Bidston Road.
Great photo of the Ford Pumping Sta. WetSocks. Thanks. Do you have access to any photos of the original Prenton Dell Waterworks (Borehole) prior to it being demolished (late '60's ?).
The punping station raised water from an artesian well (reputed to be 860 feet deep) and pumped it, through the Thermopylae Pass, to the water works in Bidston Road.
Wow, that's amazing - like half a mile upwards - in about a mile ! Know the works well - my Grandad had one of the allotments next to it for many years...
Surprising that they needed to tap an artesian - did not think Wirral was that short of water....!
Found an old map of Cross Hill in Thingwall before the reservoir (rezzy to me) was built and found 7 springs on that small hill alone ! - There's probably more !