Update just got off the phone now for those peeps who are taking cars there is parking by the pier head it is free after 6pm so we only need to pay for 2 hours if parking yerrr
the paper work with the map and confirmation is in the post today
We can not miss the building it is the big air shaft at the pier head for the tunnels and there is only 1 door
Also for the rest of the peeps who need to pay you can pay £5 on the door all sorted yerrr can not wait 1 week to go peeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppssssssssssss
thanks to you all robbo
we still need 4 people for a full house
1 Robbo = PC 2 jase = 3 Scott = 4 TC =PC 5 vango = 6 marilyn =PC 7 Joe = 8 Softy_S = 9 susan =PC 10 Wendy =PC 11 Carl bro maybe 12 = 13 = 14 =
Cool we still got 3 places left peeps 1 sleep to go any more takers 4:45pm at the pier head tomorrow for queensway TUNNEL tour £5 per head come on peeps ???????????????????????
1 Robbo = PC 2 jase = 3 Scott = 4 TC =PC 5 vango = 6 marilyn =PC 7 Joe = 8 Softy_S = 9 susan =PC 10 Wendy =PC 11 DiggingDeeper 12 13 = 14 =
Cool we still got 3 places left peeps 1 sleep to go any more takers 4:45pm at the pier head tomorrow for queensway TUNNEL tour £5 per head come on peeps ???????????????????????
yes robbo we had a great time thanks again for organizing and merseytravel for answering all our questions and giving us the history from build to finish, the early footage of birkenhead and liverpool were amazing