I suspected that the hinderton road structure might also be a substation. Thanks for the confirmation. Now the picture is posted I can recall it, it was in the former workshop / parking lot area.
A little off topic but I was wondering if anyone knows about the tunnels underneath Mersey Park Primary. I am afraid I don't know much although it is perhaps just an underground area rather than tunnels....
I was speaking to one of the staff there today who has been down to them and it sounded very interesting that a school would have these underground tunnels??
i used to play in them tunnels around 1990 and the police used to catch us a lot of the time which is why they bricked them up and knocked the shaft down to stop other people going in, there used to be another entrance by green lane station, inside ther was a big cafeteria like room still equipped with tables and chairs, as well as lots of corridoors with side rooms
i used to play in them tunnels around 1990 and the police used to catch us a lot of the time which is why they bricked them up and knocked the shaft down to stop other people going in, there used to be another entrance by green lane station, inside ther was a big cafeteria like room still equipped with tables and chairs, as well as lots of corridoors with side rooms
I'm sure there are folk on here who would gladly offer to "do" your Mum's garden ! JCB. Pneumatic drill. Gas axe for re-bar cutting. Cover it over afterwards with a poncy-looking fibreglass well complete with garden gnome ! If only .........
i noticed something yesterday which may be off interest to this thread guys,just as you walk off queens street and up on to holt hill there are few houses ,next to those are yard that was called speedwell cladding i think,this has been demolished and it looks like they are knocking down the houses as well.behind these houses is a cottage with a nameplate "rose cottage" on the side which i have never noticed before,in the quarry wall behind this is what seems to be a tunnel hole,it is partially obscurred by bushes but has no signs of being bricked up or such,is this another known entrance to the tunnels? the area is fenced of with a green steel fence but i have not seen it before until they demolished one of the buildings....may be worth a look by someone who knows what they are looking at....
i noticed something yesterday which may be off interest to this thread guys,just as you walk off queens street and up on to holt hill there are few houses ,next to those are yard that was called speedwell cladding i think,this has been demolished and it looks like they are knocking down the houses as well.behind these houses is a cottage with a nameplate "rose cottage" on the side which i have never noticed before,in the quarry wall behind this is what seems to be a tunnel hole,it is partially obscurred by bushes but has no signs of being bricked up or such,is this another known entrance to the tunnels? the area is fenced of with a green steel fence but i have not seen it before until they demolished one of the buildings....may be worth a look by someone who knows what they are looking at....
been for a look just holes mate joes got some pics to put up!
Please do not adjust your mind, there is a slight problem with reality
thats a shame,i thought i had discovered a new entrance lol.found this pic of the same yard ,the building with the diamond pattern is still on top of the hill
dont know where i got the rose from,i was on my way home from work and very tired at the time,could of sworn it was rose cottage.did you see the hole in the wall from the road where i was looking and understand why i thought it may be a tunnel or was i very very tired at the time.lol