Thanks for the pics, derekdwc. I've now found the pic. I was looking for. It's from the 1947 Outline Plan by Reilly & Aslan.If you compare it with your pics, you can recognise the modern building. It's hard to read the Timothy Whites & Taylors, but it's next to Benefit, which was a shoe shop. On your black & white pic, you can see a sign sticking out of the building which says "CHEMIST" BTW, Reilly & Aslan titled this pic. "irregular recent development". It clearly dates from the early 1930's & is classic art deco.
Timothy White's and Burton's definitely were on the section of Grange Road where Waterstone's now is. The Craftsman's (The Cravvies) was up a big flight of stairs above these shops. It wasn't a bad place for a night out, but could get a bit crowded and rough on a Saturday after the pubs shut. Blokes sometimes ended up falling down those stairs when fights broke out.
Was anyone ever there when Sadie (a homosexual) used to come in with his entourage The group would suddenly stop playing then begin playing "Welcome to my world" This was in the late 60s before homosexuals came out of their closets Nowadays seeing an obvious transvestite or crossdresser walking or riding a bike about in public will cause a lot of people to stare
I seem to recall Timothy Whites was next door to the Co-op?
I certainly remember M&S, my mother worked there one Christmas and I remember the Salvation Army band playing carols opposite in the snow. Remember BHS too.
Sorry, just a year late in posting in this thread.