Those iron railings with the curved top are still in the same place, and where re-painted prior to the OPEN {GOLF} Lots of area's where cleaned up ready for that event{even the railway embankments just passed Birkenhead Park Station} which had and is again the local tip for some of the people who live around there.
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten
Crikey, they go for a few bob don't they!!!! Was there a point where the triangle changed from flat side up to flat side down????? Or does it make a difference to what the sign means and I need to go back and read the Highway Code again. Even the toys - some are up and some are down
Last edited by Softy_Southerner; 15th Nov 20098:59am.
Crikey, they go for a few bob don't they!!!! Was there a point where the triangle changed from flat side up to flat side down????? Or does it make a difference to what the sign means and I need to go back and read the Highway Code again. Even the toys - some are up and some are down
Just a thought or i may have read this somewhere in the past, if on the halt or give way sign the point of the triangle was pointing up, it may give the impression its ok to carry straight on, like an arrow in some weather conditions.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Without diving into the bookshelf to find a mouldy old Highway Code, I think the signs with the triangle within a circle (as shown as bri's drawing) indicate a mandatory sign. ie. YOU WILL....etc. The ones that had a triangle only on were informatory.
Early triangles were cast iron. Later ones were aluminium with "Scotchlite" reflective material on. A cast steel adaptor fitted over the pole top. There are still a few surviving ones up here. Some have been unofficially adaopted and nicely maintained - including the correct pole colours (B&W striped) - not the bland grey rubbish.
Anyone out there got a drawing of a "Tram Pinch" sign ???