This is the one with the CLUB ( Card shape Club ) in the drive way?
If i remember correctly. The house ownership was won on the Turn of a Card, and that card was a "Club" and in celebration the new owner built the "Club" in the driver way, i have a picture some where. As i went knocking on the door to ask about the exit to the Bidston tunnels with my uncle, a really nice lady there but couldn't help.
will see if i can find my picture now. Give me an hour lol
Mark your info is correct but we don`t have a date or year as to when this property was won on a card game,however I did look at the 1926 map of bidston and it was named the club house then.
It was won and lost during the time Lord Vyner owned Bidston hall so it was definitely the 1800s, before Birkenhead corporation bought the hill.
Source The Friends of Bidston Hill
Movements in favour of public acquisition of Bidston Hill were made in 1883 and 1897 – the latter being in connection with Queen Victoria's jubilee; however, it was not until 1893 that the project was taken in hand. The Hill formed part of the estate of Mr Robert Charles de Grey Vyner who conducted negotiations in a handsome manner by taking the lowest of three valuations, making his own contribution to the fund.
In 1907 steps were made to secure another portion of the Hill, which was “on the market”. It was feared that the land might be used for building purposes. The area in question was an area of 22 acres on the south-eastern slope of the Hill, known as the “Pine Woods”. It was acquired as a memorial to the late Mr Edmund Taylor whose hard work and influence made it all possible. The cost was £10,500 in 1907.
Other acquisitions were:
1893-94: the summit of the Hill – 24 acres £5,800 1897: A further portion of 38 acres £11,750 1900 Several smaller pieces, amounting to about about 4 ½ acres £2,260 In all 88½ acres were acquired at a cost of £30,310 (1914). The corporation contributed £14,625 and the rest was raised by public subscription,
On 8 th December 1933, Mr Royden (Chairman of the Bidston Hill Committee) considered the Rhododendron Gardens would be ‘a grand addition' to the Hill.
Last edited by jonno40; 10th Jan 20098:48am.
It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents ,pound shillings and pence
on your next day off i will take you the club house for a wander around the place, inside/outside/underneath ,even have a stroll round the garden if ye want dude..
and a cup of tea/biscuits while getting your info .