The Liverpool City Council have comissioned an local artist to design a Memorial Statue for Liverpool City Centre. This is the design he has come up with. This has upset the Hillsborough families and the survivors groups. The council is to use puplic money to pay for this monstrocity. Please add your views.
There is a facebook campaign please join if you agree this shoud not see the light of day M4J Group
It's supposed to be a Memorial not the art work for the cover box of a video game. What's it supposed to represent, it look hideous. Dooley could have done better than that.
Whatever happened to a simple piece of granite with their names on. If we need another memorial, that certainly wouldn't be my choice. What next, a war memorial with soldiers flying through the air after being blown up, that wouldn't be allowed and neither should that monstrosity.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I don't see why they are wasting public money on it... terrible tragedy etc, nobody will doubt that or ever forget it, same with Heysel, however we already have a perfectly suitable memorial in a perfect location...
This stinks to me of the council trying to somehow attract people into the city centre by using the tragedy as a showpiece. All based around money, and I dont like it.