Add me to the list, i think it a generational thing that's from the past, i don't think its a sign of disrespect from the younger ones, its just something that's not done now or taught.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I recall my parents hammering it into me that when a funeral cortege passed by, you stood still and took your school cap off. If you hadn't got a cap on, you just bowed your head in respect. Some chance of seeing that these days !
You do yer know! i was in funeral cortege the other week+ found passer bys respectable, especially road users. didnt cut up any of our procession for instance
Following on from traditional funeral respectfulness, does anyone close their curtains anymore if there is a funeral in their street? I do but notice that alot of ppl don`t, they stand on their doorsteps having a good nose.
Following on from traditional funeral respectfulness, does anyone close their curtains anymore if there is a funeral in their street? I do but notice that alot of ppl don`t, they stand on their doorsteps having a good nose.
Now one for the ladies. Note that they charge extra for waist size 27" or more. I make that about a size 10!
Incidentally, this is one of the few adverts which includes a telephone number. Of course, in those days most communication was by post. In cities like London or Liverpool (probably Birkenhead too) you could post a letter early in the morning & expect a reply by lunchtime. You could then reply to that & it would be delivered by evening. Of course, in those days it was the Royal Mail, not the crap service we get now from the Post Office.