I spoke to the guy in work yesterday who I mentioned before about potential sites but it seems the hardcore bottle digging community are a tight lipped secretive bunch. He said he only tells people about the sites that are no longer accessible. I suppose they want to keep them secret so no one else gets there first. I tried anyway.
Hi all,don't know if this is of any help but around 20 yrs ago my dad worked on the level crossing at leasowe station and went for a look at a hole that the diggers had made where the new houses are now and found 2 old glass bottles,1 has MAYBLOSSOM B&DMWMCoLo BIRKENHEAD..it's also got a cork inside it...the 2nd has got THE FLINTSHIRE FARMERS LTD WALLASEY AND BIRKENHEAD on the front and on the bottom J BARLOW 79 VAUXHALL RD LIVERPOOL..2 nice old bottles that iv'e kept for some reason.He also found some other bits and bobs but can't remember what and he's not around anymore to ask.