Nice one Bertie, I was an Army Cadet at Grange Rd West and went on a number of camps to Folkestone, Torquay and Stratford on Avon(where I had my first beer). I think I was about 12 or 13 when I joined. But it was a great character builder. I got to fire rifles, bren guns and machine guns, as well as learn how to pull them apart and put them back together again and I can assure you putting a bren back together in the dark was no mean feat. I was very good with the rifle( as I am now with a handgun)we used .303 Lee Enfield with .22 barrels(I think, I can here Chris Kay now!!)Even coming second in the range competition between the whole Regiment, I would have come first only for a Sgt Robinson(Territorial) pulling rank so he came first. They were great memories and great times and I would like to thank any Territorial who maybe reading this.
Same as Mindplayer, only my camp was Upton, Arrowe park rd. Also fired and stripped the same weaponry. Once had the delight of being in a fox hole while a chieftain tank ran over us, the things you let them do when your young.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.