Derek sent me a portion of Ordnance survey map 1875 to help with another project, I noticed on the Priory St/ Abbot St area, 2 large buildings (marked Yellow), described as Volunteer Drill Sheds, I'm assuming Military, any more information would be appreciated.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
i think about that period there was the Cheshire Rifles volunteers ( an ancestor of mine was in them) off wikipedia The Volunteer Force was a citizen army of part-time rifle, artillery and engineer corps, created as a popular movement in 1859. Originally highly autonomous, the units of volunteers became increasingly integrated with the British Army after the Childers Reforms in 1881, before forming part of the Territorial Force in 1908. Most of the regiments of the present Territorial Army Infantry, Artillery, Engineers and Signals units are directly descended from Volunteer Force units.