mmmm Id heard on the grapevine that alot of 'la clocking' used to take place...... It was called Motormall in the end but was called something else a couple of years ago.
This place was renamed `motormall` after the original company `wallasey car centre` where named and shamed in the paper in connection with money laundering. Several staff where arrested in connection with that offence. They are still wallasey car centre with a different name.
The cars where being removed at around 10pm sunday night,next morning the place was empty
I `heard` they may of moved to widnes, how true this may be i have no idea.
Very shifty company though, i don`t suppose there are any old customers in here who had trouble with them?
Me and jase used to work for seaviw motors (one next to kwik fit) and they were forever `hiding` cars in our garage.
Hi Ste, yep we had problems with them over a car we purchased a couple of years ago. No good. There probably doing business in Widnes now.... shifty buggers.... There were two cars in there this afternoon, right by the building...could have been the wikis doing a ue
We bought a renault there 6 months ago with a 12 month warrenty to find they had disapeared when the engine blew up it will cost £700 at renault in prenton but i have found where the cars which were on the forecourt are , they are in widness under a company name motorswitch just openned last saturday i spoke to trading standards and they say you need his home address.
Your right they are trading in widness under the name of Motorswitch. Tan house lane is the address. Surely they cant get away with what they have done, many people have lost deposits on cars. Isnt it fraud that they have commited !!
yes, they are supposed to have gone to widnes,to a firm called motor xxxxx.they are indeed dodgy. they have given false detials to companies house , accoring to the info they are still operating from seaview road and the new director is damian ford who took over the last time that this happened at thre same site. warn people in widnes not to buy anything off a saleman called carl.
Last edited by Mark; 22nd Mar 20109:51am. Reason: Personal Details Removed.