Continuing the series into Shopping In Wallasey
Wallasey Road, running from Liscard Town Centre to St. Hilary Brow, was originally known as 'Liscard and Wallasey Road'.
Looking at shops in the post war years of the late 1940s from the Liscard end began with Burton Montague Ltd, the tailors, George Lunt & Sons, the bakers, who have traded in Liscard since the 1920s. Next door, on the corner of Conway Street, was the pawnbrokers, Isaac Bellwood, who took over from Crane's Pawnbrokers after the First World War. Behind the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board showrooms was a children's playground sited off St. Alban's Terrace. At No. 19 was the City Funeral Furnishers run by Samuel Pritchard & Sons. Thomas Tickle was the ladies outfitters at No. 21 and Thelma's Cafe was next door. On the corner of St. Alban's Road was the 'Castle Hotel;' where Mrs Edith McQuone was the landlady. The public house was often called 'The Garden Inn' on account of the little gardens that were close by.
On the opposite corner of St. Alban's Road was Lobster's Pet Cafe which later became the Nat West Bank. For many years Percy Bailey had a shop at No.37 and was continued on by Mrs Clarrisa Bailey as a stationery business. The Catholics could buy Missal or a set of Rosary Beads at the shop. Other shops included Kwong Tong Laundry, which in the 1930s was Soo Wong Laundry and next door was Frank Gibson, the grocer, who extended the shop to No.53.
'The Boot Inn' existed in Elizabethan times. Originally it was a small whitewashed cottage, which stood on the rough road leading to Wallasey Village. This was knocked down and a two-storey building was erected in its place. Mr. Stephen was the landlord at one time and Bill Cash had the public house during the First World War, then George Wildgoose took over licence in the 1920s.
With the increase of traffic the road formed a sort of bottle-neck and the local authority suggested road widening and so a new 'Boot Inn' was built and in 1925 the old one was demolished.
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There were a few more shops along Wallasey Road to Torrington Road and Belvidere Road junction which included Crompton & Jones Estate Agents and Challoner's Tobacconist. In the 1920s Joe Collins, the Liverpool Billiard Champion, had the Wallasey Billiard Saloon, at 93a, which was approached down a side entry. There were nine tables and many good players use to visit the saloon from time to time to play matches.
Further along the road was Wood's the Butcher, and among other shops was Mr. Thomas, the chemist (later Mr. Ambrose and Irwin's the grocers on the corner of Torrington Road where Mr. Arthur Grosvenor was the manager.
On the right hand side of the road, starting at the old 'Wellington Hotel', the original public house was built in the 1800's and was a popular meeting place for the locals. It had an "L" shaped bar and Harry Liversage was the landlord in the post war years after the Second World War. Due to road widening a plot next to the Wellington Pub on the Seaview Road side was purchased as the site for a replacement, the foundations of which were laid in June 1936. The new hotel and Coronation Buildings were built in 1937. Originally there was a single-storey thatched cottage next to the public house, followed by a two-storey cottage
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Sam Pritchard & Son
One of the most interesting characters of Liscard was Sam Pritchard at No.14 Wallasey Road. He was educated at the National School in Liscard Road and he began work by going around the neighbourhood with a cart and selling paraffin from a large drum.
As he grew older he could lend his hand or give advice on a wide range of subjects. He made his own cough mixture from locally-grown herbs. He made his own boot and metal polishes, which he put into tins and sold. He kept hens and sold eggs. Sam also made and sold harnesses.
He became a removal contractor which proved to be very successful business. People would borrow a handcart to enable them to take a large piece of furniture which they had bought from Wilson's Sale Rooms in Liscard Road. The furniture vans had large wheels at the back and small ones at the front. The driver sat on the roof of the vehicle. They were painted in cream and brown and were hauled by horses. One horse was able to pull the van. The horses were stabled at the back of the shop. Sam was joined by his sons, Sam junior and John. Fred, another son, in the business, but died when he was in his twenties. Sam's two brothers, William and Robert, were a little lower down the road at No.16. They were fruiterers, greengrocers and coal merchants. The coal side of the business was operated from the rear of the shop and was quite separate from the fruit shop. Sam's son, John, went into the undertaking and wedding car business. The business began in 1880 and prior to that time, Sam Jnr. made his living in the harness trade, plus the polishes and selling and few antiques. Sam Snr. loved to sail to the Isle Of Man and had a contact. They also went on charabanc trips to Wales. The removal business flourished and they arranged removals by road, rail and sea. His telephone number was just a simple No. 27, Liscard and another was Wallasey 217. They then invested in motorised vans with solid tyres. Sam did all the signwriting on the vans. In fact there was little that he could not do. In the days of horses, he was able to give advice and help to other people. The coffins for the undertakers (John) was made by the family. Among the men who Sam employed was Bob Ashley, Jack Mills and several others. One of the vehicles (HF 1947) was a sort of flat back truck and the van part was separate and could be lifted off and put on the railway or shipped by sea. The other one was a straight forward van (NA 9891). It was a Halford, the other being a A.E.C. As years went on the firm only had offices at No. 19 Wallasey Road, later to become Halford's cycle and car spares shop.![[Linked Image]](
Continuing along Wallasey Road we have Marks & Spencers who had been located in Liscard Road but were bombed in the 1941 Wallasey Blitz so moved temporarily to No. 9-10. Jim Kent established his auction rooms after the Second World War at 14 and 15 Wallasey Road. There was also a social club in Wallasey Road which was above the shops and known as 'Coronation Social Club' and it was active in the 1930's.
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In 1919 the town agreed there should be a market but it was some years before it was built. The site chosen was once occupied by 'Clairville Cottage'. The new building took the name of 'Central Market'. In the front of the Market in the 1920s was the showroom Rymers, which was later taken over by Sonia's gown shop. Central Market Garage was owned by Mr. Huggin's. The Market used to be covered on the inside where there were roughly about 20 stalls selling mainly a wide selection of produce. The stalls could be moved away and boards, like pallets, were laid flat on the floor for skaters to skate on. The wheels of the skaters were wooden. A rail was attached to stop to the edge to stop the skaters running into the spectators. The Market was demolished by the early 1960s and new shops were built in its place. No. 40 to No. 52 were built by 1966 and No.54 to No. 60 were built soon after.
On the corner of Moseley Avenue stood Black's, the men's outfitters, which closed for business only recently after serving the community for more then half a century. There was a well-known grocery business at No. 68 and 70 called Monteith's. William Monteith then moved to a commanding position on the corner of Liscard Road and Wallasey Road, opposite the old 'Monkey House' shelter and had the largest grocery shop in Liscard. Previously the site had been occupied by Ellis Jones' mill. It was called Victoria Steam Mills. When the grocers finally closed down the property was taken over by Montague Burton, the tailors. The old premises at No.68 and 70 was taken over by Hugh Charlton, another grocer who remained for many years. Mr Boughey established his estate agency at No. 72 and the firm continues to this day. Bert Handy had a fine men's outfitters in the 1930's and continued after the Second World War at No. 104. He sold fine shirts and hats as well as supplying farms with their clothing needs. Leicester Stationery and Artists needs etc., were established in the 1930's at No. 106.
On the other side of Belvidere Road was a number of shops including William Brown's hardware business. Other shops included Muss Flynn's millinery (later Mrs. England's) John Crail, the baker in the 1920s and later to become Robert Plant's grocers. The Co-operative Society opened a large branch in this row of shops some years later.
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19673-9 J. Swift Home Furnishers
11 Minton, R.R & Co
Paint Manufacturers
13 Bellwood Jewelers
Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board (Service Centre)
19 Samuel Pritchard & Son Ltd
Furnishers Removals
21-23 Vacant (formerly W.H Trace & Son Ltd - Electrical Contractors)
25 Vacant (formerly Castle Hotel)
31 Westminster Bank Ltd
33 Vacant
35 P. Bailey
37 W.H Trace & Son Ltd
Electrical Contractors
39 Vacant
41 National Coal Board
(coal order)
43 Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Ltd.
45 R. Eskay
Glass & Chinaware
47 C. Truplett
49 Lin Hong Restaurant
51-53 Bell Joynson Solicitors
Boot Inn
93 Crompton & Sons
Estate Agents
95 Central Laundry
Dry Cleaners
97 C.B Collinson
Estate Agents
99 Tudor Gift Shop
101 Wilbraham
Turf Commission Agents
103 Barber & Co.
Wine Store
105 W.E Harding
Fruit & Veg
107 D. Smith
Grocer & Dairy
109 W.H Wood
111 KnitKraft
Knit & Wool
113 Lawton's
115 Toner & Williams
117 T.D Ambrose
119 Peacock
Wellington Hotel
Coronation Building1 New Dynasty Restaurant
2 Booklands
Books & Stationery
3 Fludes
4 McLachlans
Tobacco & Confectionery
5-6 Birkenhead District Co-Op
Grocer Supermarket
7 H.T Spence
National Assistance Board
H.M Inspector of Taxes
8 Famous Army Stores
9-10 Strothers
13 Vacant (formerly Scott & Sons Bakers Ltd)
14-15 J. Mckenzie
Radio, TV & Electrics
40 Reece's
42 Granada TV Rentals
44 Kyle
Wallpaper & Paint
46 Marilyn
Ladies Fashion
48 Safeway
Grocer Supermarket
50 Spencer
Dry Cleaners
52 Wrights Ladies Fashions
54 Vacant
56 Vacant
58 Vacant
60 Vacant
62 Blacks Men Wears
64 Bellis Tobacco/Confectionery/Toys
66 Hardings Furnishing Removers
68 Charlton Butchers & Provisions
72 Boughey, H.J & Son
Estate Agents
Pinnington Bros
Garage & Services
86-88 Strothers Office
TV Supplies
Britannic Buildings 1-2 Ministry of Social Security
3 Eric Gregory Hairdressers
94 Motherland
Prams & Toys
96 C.M Briggs Opticians
98 Betty's Ladies Hairdressers
98a E.G Raddish
Estate Agents
100 J. McCulloch
Sports Equipment & Fishing Tackle
102-104 Leicesters
Print, Stationery & Art Materials
106 Hardys Menswear
108 V. Warburton Ladies Outfitters
110 Greenline
Fruit & Veg
112 Harold Taylors Bakers
Belvidere Road
120 N. Burrows
Fried Fish Dealer
122 William Brown
Hardware Dealer
124 Vacant
126 England, F.D & M.M
Fancy Drapers
128 Vaughan, F
130 Hawkers & Hunters
Electrical Contractors
130a Mrs Mary B. Keen
132 Charles Plant
Westwood Grove
134 Oxfam
136 Vacant
138-142 Birkenhead & District Co-Op Society
144 Cheetham Ladies Hairdressers
146 Health Centre Turkish Baths
148-152 Wilkinson
Wallpaper, Paint & Glass Merchants
154 Johnsons
Dry Cleaners
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