Yeah my cat meows at the door goes out does its business somewhere has a kip comes in eats and has a kip beats the dog up goes out again etc etc etc lol
When we got our kitten, it took a few minutes to find it's litter tray, there's never a problem with toilet training as it's instinct for them to 'hide' it.
I had a male cat and it was good tempered, but constantly moaning about wanting to go outside. If you constantly play with them, they retain some of their kitten cuteness.
You can easily train your cat to use the toilet by moving the litter tray closer and closer to the toilet over the course of a few weeks.
Yeah my cat meows at the door goes out does its business somewhere has a kip comes in eats and has a kip beats the dog up goes out again etc etc etc lol
they say Dogs have Owners and Cats have Staff.
What i like about cats is how they distance themselves. Whereas a dog would get caught up in the mood ie wagging tail at jovialty or retreating to bed at signs of argy bargy a cat will just carry on doing its own thang regardless!!