This year again sees predicted tides of over 10m on consectuative days in Feb and March. If the weather conditions are condusive the tide could flood the entire marsh!
The RSPB will be on hand to showcase the wildlife that is being pushed off the marsh as the water level rises. We expect the local and over-wintering birds of prey to make the most of the chaos, plucking smalll mammals and birds as they are exposed.
Staff and volunteers will be present with telescopes to give great views of the spectacle and identify any unusal wildlife.
Feel free to pop along anytime on Feb 19th, 20th or 21st - we will be at the Old Baths Car Park and possibly the Donkey Stand.
I think the ducks will be fine but what about all the other animals? Where will they rest their beaks of a night?
People could help by removing any netting from their fish ponds and putting a few extra bird houses up over the period of high tides. Thankyou very much
Not something i make a habit of watching, but i was working up there one year when the sea was flying over the top of the wall, I had trouble getting into the chippy, worth going to watch.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Quite a while ago I was in the Harp Inn at Little Neston. It sits right at the edge of the marsh. High water spring tide lapped over the track outside for about an hour.
You can imagine the absolute Hell of being marooned in a pub during opening hours ! What else to do ??? ha.ha.
Went along today.It was dissapointing but blew the cobwebs away.The RSPB warden said that they will be high again in 4 weeks time.Will need a West wind blowing 40 mph+. Didn't spot the traffic sign though Softy!
Stu and I went. Great day for spotting twitchers! Couldn't believe the gear some of them turned up with. Thought some were taking themselves far too seriously - camo gear on a sea wall?
Bit disappointed the water didn't get higher - we were expecting it to be lapping up against the wall. I was also disappointed there was no plague of rats running away from the marsh.