My Mum was born in '26,and said she remembered how sandy everywhere was before the prom was built, how the sand used to blow up the road. Hard to envisage that now. I learned to roller skate down there in the late 50s - was never very good at it, though!
Does anyone remember a sweet shop (hut rather than a brick building) on the approach to the prom from Wallasey Village? It would have been more or less where Bayswater Rd and the Village now meet.
I do not remember it but mum does. My guess is that she is talking about a time well before the prom structures were built and the "road" that led on from the Village was mostly a sandy track.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness