BOMB BLAST AT M.A.R. railway layout....NEWS... There was a bomb blast at the M.A.R model rail layout in prenton birkenhead today 10/06/2011 apparently when DAVE the track layer was doing foundations to the OO track his pick HIT! a old german WW2 3000LB bomb historians said the bomb was dropped in july 17th 1941 by luftwaffle pilot HANS PUMPERNIKLE, A spokesperson for the M.A.R. railway said its sad it was absolute carnage especially on a five foot X four foot layout bits of track bits of buildings wagons cars trains and people and butties everywhere we are all devastated THE WHOLE AREA IS GONE. BUT there was one happy note a survivor was left RONNIE2 the guard dog
HI ,Everyone more so for BERT1 a new young lady has turned up to be a secretary to M.A.R TYRE DEPOT which is in the process of being built she,s .MS. SUE GOODYEAR a twin sister of SHIRLEY BUTTY, who had a bit of an accident yesterday ..