Breaking The Streak - CM Punk vs. Undertaker?
by DM Tea on Yesterday at 03:43 PM
I used to think that the Streak should never be broken. It's that one untouchable legacy in the WWE today... or at least it was.
CM Punk is poised for a push of epic proportions. This current angle is one of the best things that I've ever seen on a TV screen and clearly a lot of people agree. They can't even keep his merchandise in stock. If they carry out this angle properly, CM Punk will carry his own legacy. He walked out with the title, which indirectly retired Vince McMahon. HE RETIRED VINCE and now he's back as the true champion of the WWE. There's a lot of noise up on this website about "we want CM Punk vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXVIII."
Everybody seems to want to get creative and write up their little fanfics about how the buildup will go. Problem is, none of that shit is creative. They basically all rehashed the HBK and HHH storylines. "WHO'S THE BEST? EPIC!!!" And then 'Taker wins. yawwwwwwwwwwwwn. I literally just yawned while typing here. It's bad, baby.
When CM Punk was wearing Pepsi gym shorts and cussing out fat bitches in IWA, a lot of people probably didn't figure him for a future player in the WWE. But he did it. Then at Money In The Bank he walked out with the strap. On the night that he first announced he would do it, before "The Infamous Rant" and everything that followed, who thought they were gonna really let him do that? But he fooking did it. NOBODY thinks he can beat 'Taker at Wrestlemania, but he can do it, and maybe should do it.
After all, you're supposed to retire on your back and Taker looks old as shit, so are we supposed to be satisfied with him beating our man CM Punk when he's on a meteoric rise? He's on top of his game. He took the title from John Cena AND he took it away from Vinnie Mac. He put a 23 year old song on the iTunes top 200. He even elevated John Cena's game. Did anybody notice that his match with Rey was really good? Full blog on that later. A loss for Punk at Mania would be fooking insane. One of the stupidest things they could do is to have CM Punk become just another name on any list, no matter how legendary.
So now whether or not Punk should even face Taker comes into question. Do you really want to see the Undertaker lose at Wrestlemania? Cause if he's facing CM Punk, he has to. You DO NOT take this hot and unique an angle and waste it by throwing the guy into a story that's been used every year and has essentially been the same every year for a long time and then have him job. That doesn't make a lick of sense.
What the WWE is shorthanded on right now more than anything else, it's future legends. All-time greats. You knew in their day that Rock, Austin, Taker, Kane, Foley, HBK, HHH, Ric Flair, Steamboat, Piper, Sting, Hogan, Macho Man R.I.P. and God bless, etc. were going to go down in history. Who are the living legends in the WWE right now? HHH? He's a suit now. John Cena? Half the fan base isn't happy about that. Rey Mysterio? No doubt about it, but personality-wise he's a garden variety babyface. Jericho keeps saying he'll be back and Orton is cementing his legacy right now, and that's about it because there's still time to drop the ball on the Miz and pretty much anybody else on the roster. CM Punk is a legend right now. He's going to go down in history as one of the best ever and we already know it. He cannot job at Mania, and if anyone deserves to break that Streak, it's him.
Of course there's no evidence that the match is even being considered by WWE. It's just some speculation that I thought it'd be interesting for me to address, and there are many, many other things that Punk could do at Mania so that they wouldn't even have to confront the issue. However the more I think about it the more I really want to see it happen.
Punk draws a lot of comparisons to Austin, but what about Taker? He's got the tats, the cult, the blatant disregard for authority and the God complex. There's your fooking story, guys. Not "the Streak and professional admiration and fooking blach blach blaccch." Howbout an actual feud?! There are a million possibilities: I'm not like you, I'm better than you ever were, whatever. Any other personal issue they can think of, you know, whatever. And what's nice is that Punk has the skills to put together a phenomenal build (no pun intended) with little to no ring-time for Taker. I also felt that the feud they had over the WHC could've been done better and I'd like to see take two.
Time to wrap this shit up. CM Punk is the best wrestler in the world. If Undertaker loses to him at Mania in one of the most hotly anticipated and brilliantly worked matches you've ever seen, is it going to hurt his legacy? Hell no. As far as I'm concerned it would be almost as good for the Undertaker as it would for Punk. There are so many old guys in the wrestling world who just won't stop, even though they really should. Do you want Undertaker to be That Guy? Do you want him to keep coming out another year older, grayer, more broken, to wrestle a guy 25 years younger than him AND WIN, then get stretchered away to have surgery? I don't want to see that shit. I said CM Punk is a legend, and it's true. To anyone who knows anything the man is a legend. But the next step is to make it fooking undeniable. Yeah, he beat Vince. But people have done that before. Nobody beats the Undertaker. But somebody must.