Water cannons aren't used in the UK because they are expensive and ineffective. I'm not sure they are even legal here tbh.
Same goes for rubber bullets, first sign of police shooting anything at kids in Liverpool would see the fire returned with live rounds.
It's just common sense really, you don't escalate a problem that can be sorted through safer means.
Tear gas then
I think water canons arent used anymore due to the namby pamby blame culture in this country now - weeks after the event you could have rioters claiming for colds etc...
Not sure about them being ineffective and expensive They are just water and a pump They are also powerful enough to knock anyone close off their feet, and get those further away nice and wet and cold sending them home.
There are also no environmental effects as its just water
Yes the army is still here by the thousands, on bases all over the UK! Yes I think it would be a good idea to get our troops on the streets because they won't take any sh*t - especially when most of them have had to deal with the taliban etc...
As for the police - it doesnt help when the government has taken police officers off the street, and forced high position staff out of their job they know so well. It does seem as though the majority of the rioters are of black descent - but is this is because it's in promidently black areas or because the whites know better than to destroy their own community? I know some of them are white, but majority rules.
I find it quite ironic how the rioters are now saying that their doing it because the 'government doesn't give a **** about us young people' - and all the politicians have had to 'break' their holiday to come back (David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May...) is that to prove that they don't care - the fact they were all on holiday at the same time?
Personally speaking, I think it's wrong what they are doing, they've used a few instances with the police as an excuse to destroy town and people livelyhoods - that isnt acceptable.
I'm not sure what the PM could do when he returns back to Britain....what are his options really??
I say draft the Army in - and then give the country back to the Queen!
Nikki Abbo! Life isnt a practise,you have to get it right first time!
? rioters would encourage youths to join them so they would not be hurt by the police - that's like holding the police to ransom. The parents should be keeping their children away from this. If they don't then they should be charged with being corroborators and accessories to the rioting. They should not allow their children to become involved in danger - do kids understand how far the explosions from some petrol tanks can reach - would they be inquisite and wait and watch? Perhaps injuring themselves through their own ignorance (kids don't always think before they act) - would the rioters be bothered? - they would run away! So, who really cares about the kids? So, if the problem is not deal with quickly, the risks to injury of the rioters rises. I doubt very much talking to them would work. They are out for trouble and violence its not a controlled riot - they don't want to reason and be civilised. They probably don't even know what issues they are rioting for. A kid will be drawn to violence - its like having a real-life computer game played out in real time.
I posted this in the B'head thread before I saw this;
I've just been up around Catherine Street area where the Tesco was ransacked. News crews are everywhere and the car park is just full of damaged cars. Someone has driven a Corsa into a load of parked cars and loads of windscreens are smashed in, tyres slashed, panels kicked in etc.
There's a huge police presence.
Auto Glass are there in force, as you would expect.
Police stopped me and advised against being in the area, intelligence suggests there's organised rioting for both tonight and tomorrow night and staying away is the best course of action.
As I was leaving, I pulled over to take a picture of a burnt out shell of a car on one of the side streets. A very scouse, rough looking woman came over to me and told me I shouldn't be parking my car there as the "it's about to go off".
It's about as first hand as it gets.
Also, there are teams of people out cleaning up, but from what I could see the police were trying to get them to leave it.
Reference the water cannons, as I understand it they are illegal on the mainland.
Some people are saying that it's partly because of all the activities and community centres have been cut. When I was a kid (I can hear some of you groaning already), we didn't have community centres etc for during the summer holidays. We either played out in the fields, the woods or by our houses or we were savvy enough to be members of the likes of the Cadets (Sea Cadets for me), the Brownies, Guides (both for me), Cubs, Scouts etc. Even I was a member of a Sunday School that used to run camps in Wales at a cheap cost and we used to go there for a week. When we weren't doing activities through these establishments, we were making our own entertainment - legally!
None of these were funded by the Government. We had to pay minimal "subs" and were happy to do so. My Parents were not rich. We lived on a council estate, Mum had 2 jobs, Dad didn't work because he'd retired and was disabled having had one of his legs amputated (artificial legs weren't like they are today, they were evil nasty torture devices). We didn't have the "trendy" shoes & clothes like some of my friends at school and very often, I was one of the kids sat in the Art Block because they couldn't afford to pay for me to go on a school trip.
We didn't moan about it, we didn't riot, we didn't mug people for their posessions - we just got on with it.
So for them all to blame it on that is, in my opinion, a load of bollocks! To be saying that it's because they can't get jobs etc - bollocks! There's lots of people that can't get jobs and they behave in a law abiding manner. Some of you DID have jobs, although not for long in some cases (the silly girl caught looting in Currys, in her Currys uniform). Those of you who have been seen rioting and looting probably won't get jobs now because you've been seen on the tv being a total knobend!!
The parents of these feral failed abortions need to look at themselves!! Where were your kids last night? If they smell of smoke and have a new phone, playboxxstation3wiicube360DS, trainers or clothes then shop them to the Police!! It's the least you can do! After you've done that, learn how to be a decent parent!!
Watching the footage of the poor lad being mugged on Sky News has just knocked me sick - the parents of those involved must be SO proud!!
We should be allowed to use a water cannon, or similar. There are none on the mainland, but PSNI have them. The alternative is to use some RAF Fire Trucks!! Mix into the water a skin irritant and a permanent dye so that they can be rounded up at a later date!!
Call a curfew. If you're on the streets for no valid reason after a certain time, then you will get what you deserve! Nobody needs to be watching it all unfold, sit at home and watch it on tv if you're that bothered. If you're wearing a balaclava, gloves and scarf in August, at night then you're obviously up to no good so you should be pulled by the Police!!
I don't subscribe to this mollycoddling pc crap as most of you know. I'm tempted to modify my crutches and help the Police to help US, the law abiding citizens, take back OUR streets!!
Sometimes Police Officers give more than just speeding tickets!
It�s hard to be fit as a fiddle when you�re shaped like a cello!