Went in there once just for a nose and one of the salesmen was Barry West - guy I knew well as a kid eons ago
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
I thought the Ford garage opposite the park entrance was Geo. Heron or Herons. Remember buying a "de-coke" set (remember them ?) from there for my Dad's Cortina ! I've a funny feeling it was a cinema many years before that. Upstairs (Spares Dept) had a very fancy fluted ceiling at one end. The sort of thing you saw over a stage or screen. Maybe ties in with Bandy's snooker hall (?)
Yep that's the one Chris and Pinz has come up with the name I remember, "Herons". Maybe Parry and Sherlocks ran the Herons franchise or did Parry and Sherlocks come after Herons? Only asking because I don't actually remember the Parry and Sherlocks bit.
I remember the name Heron's now. The reason I asked the question is that on the 1911 O.S. map, that was the Laird School of Art, which is now on the next block, if memory serves. Wonder if that accounts for the ornate ceiling which Pinz remembers?
Any info on Cannon Hill in the top Birkenhead Park i can remember playing football there i recall it had quite a slope on the pitch , somewere along the line there used to be a Cannon there thats how it got its name There used to be some flats over the road from it I knocked around with some lads from there,i recall either cellars or tunnels under the flats that were a bit scary any info lads you all seem to have a great memory of werei lived
Played there myself - preferred kicking downhill. Heard the cannon was one that had been captured during Crimean War? also that the Roundheads fired upon the Priory from there.
The owners Parry & Sherlock moved to that building from a small garage in Duke Street which is now a motorcycle repair business. The small building [still there] is practically on the corner of Duke Street and Price Street. Not far from the speed camera lights there. I had a very short time there as an apprentice motor mechanic, being trained by a Hungarian mechanic called Hugo. They had a pit to get under the cars. It is next door to R&M cycles and may even be a part of their business.
Any info on Cannon Hill in the top Birkenhead Park i can remember playing football there i recall it had quite a slope on the pitch , somewere along the line there used to be a Cannon there thats how it got its name There used to be some flats over the road from it I knocked around with some lads from there,i recall either cellars or tunnels under the flats that were a bit scary any info lads you all seem to have a great memory of werei lived
A friend of mine has actually got the crest from this cannon. It was a ball of rust when found in Birkenhead park, but it looks the part now!
yeh me and my Dad parked up on the top of Asda carpark, did our shopping, came back and our car had gone LOL.... I'm a bit late replying to this thread but nevermind,
remember Sayers in Conway Street, my Dad would come home with trays of "day old" cakes from there... he'd get them for next to nothing coz they couldn't sell them!