Famously used in the tea can our dads and grandads took to work, e.g.Lairds. With the dry tea added, it was carryable to work without spilling. Just add boiling water for the most convenient cuppa! Probably still used, as you can still buy the can.
Famously used in the tea can our dads and grandads took to work, e.g.Lairds. With the dry tea added, it was carryable to work without spilling. Just add boiling water for the most convenient cuppa! Probably still used, as you can still buy the can.
Yes, my granddad used to take it to work at the electricity works in Bentinck St. He used to make two packets wrapped in greaseproof paper, so as to be able to have two brews.
Not by me may i add, it was given to me by an uncle who gave it good use, i soon moved on to one of those new fandangled flask thingys that kept breaking with the slightest knock. Here is the question, do they still sell flask inners?
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I have a few of those in various sizes, not convinced water stays hotter longer than the good old glass inned thermos flask, though i can give them a whack without to much worry.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Last time I bought a replacement "inner", it was only a few pence short of a complete new flask! When that one went, I changed over to the stainless ones. You may be right Bert on stainless being not quite as efficient as Mr Dewar's effort ! There again, I may just have a "downer" on them because they are NEW !!! Grrrrrr. !! Dammit. Mutter mutter.
Yes, my granddad used to take it to work at the electricity works in Bentinck St. He used to make two packets wrapped in greaseproof paper, so as to be able to have two brews. [/quote]
Chris really did come from posh stock, wrapped up in grease proof paper while the rest of us had to make do with the previous nights echo, tea leaves and two sugars in a made up envelope. I bet he was that posh he moved on to Marvel before the rest of us.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I have a few of those in various sizes, not convinced water stays hotter longer than the good old glass inned thermos flask, though i can give them a whack without to much worry.
Agree with you Bert - the stainless steel flasks are rubbish compared to the glass type. Mrs goes out with the Ramblers and likes to keep a flask of some hot brew in the coach for when she gets back after a day treking. I bought her a stainless flask thinking it would last well and be easier to clean. Rubbish.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness