Atlantic Garage Moreton! A blast from the past. I recall going to the cottage to the right and an old lady would come out and serve petrol. Sometimes the pumps would not be working and petrol was decanted from 2 gallon cans kept in the cellar or pit.
Depends which model of Hawk you're referring to. On the one we had, it went in at the back of the nearside rear wing:
(This picture was taken in 1957, I suspect that you are referring to the later Rootes group Humber Hawk).)
Is that your picture uptoncx? That's Bonsall Village in Derbyshire. Spent a large proportion of the 70's and 80's in that village. My Auntie and Uncle and one of my cousins still live there.
There used to be Jervis's garage behind 86-90 seaview road many years ago. We have some pictures somewhere. My family took over "Wood's" of Wallasey in 1986 to become Pumfords, 86-90 Seaview Road. Cheers Chris.
Just discovered this old thread and wondered if the Jervis referred to was Les Jervis as he and my father were great friends. They had a lot to do with the Wallasey Motor Club and motor bikes. My father had a Velocette and won lots of Trials. Also another garage nobody mentioned was Pinningtons in Rake Lane. Dad used to garage his car there every night and walk down to Dalmorton Rd. Think it was owned by Bill Pinnington and his brother. Does anyone remember this?