Has the ABC logo between the two Capitol words. What did it stand for Associated British Cinemas would be my guess?
Used to go to the matinee and occasionally to an adult film when I got older, same with the Royal but my local was the Court which was the sister cinema to the Royal.
Note there are no zebra crossings, just studs marking the pedestrian crossing. They obviously came later.
Looking at the cars in the photo it is a lot earlier than the 1950's. The car in the foreground is most definately 1930's, as the ones further down the road appear to be.
did the island have public toilets at one stage ? I seem to recal seeing them soon after moving to liscard in 1978
No. There were toilets there but disappeared many years ago. They were never there during my life.
It probably is the fifties but you have to remember that a lot of cars were laid up during the war but brought out after it. They would be mainly thirties style until the country got up and running again. I can remember them with running boards we used to jump on like gangsters. Pity we can't see what is on the pictures which might give us a clue. Blown it up but it pixilates.
Looking at the cars in the photo it is a lot earlier than the 1950's. The car in the foreground is most definately 1930's, as the ones further down the road appear to be.
Yes, they do seem a bit dated. That's the date on the photo
We used to go there when it was the ABC. They had a saturday morning club.
Me too. It was The ABC Minors' Club on Saturday mornings in the mid 60s. I remember watching the original Flash Gordon films with Buster Crabbe. I used to go along with my friends. We were only 5 and were allowed to go on our own.
Does anyone remember the name of the toy shop opposite the ABC on the other side of the roundabout. It was there in the late 70's. all photos ive seen seem to be taken from every view apart from th eone im interested in?
Does anyone know what those things are on the roundabout, one is at the bottom of the picture. They look like lights? There is one similar on the crossing, so I presume them to be lights of some sort?