I think the Car Park lasted until the Plaza became a Bingo Hall. There was a small brick building in the centre (?) of the car park for the attendant. This was demolished quite some time before the Car Park finally closed if I recall. The local Intelligencia had attacked it several times !
I was 4 years old when the old Queen laid the foundation stone. We lived in Westbank Rd that runs parallel to Borough Rd. Mum took me to see the event we stood on what was the car park for the Plaza. I sat on mums shoulders.
I remember when I was in the scouts (10th Birkenhead St Catherines), the Birkenhead troups put on their shows there.
anyone any idea what was originally on the plot of land opposite the tec that was the car park (its now flats). wondering what was there before it became a car park
Here's a couple of maps, the first from the 1870's & the second from 1910. That site wasn't built on back then, even though by 1910 there was housing on Borough Rd. & the "Bank" roads off North Rd. I wonder why. Interesting that Singleton Ave. is later than 1910; anybody know its date?