what a shame it brings back memories of when i was a security guard walking around the back of the offices then down past the prop store on 12 hour shifts nights/days.And working there for a few years i got to every prop in the store {which ship/destination} and every inch of the site. At least the 200 ton shop is still standing, i can tell you some stories! happy memories!.
My locker (1st photo) was right to the end, turn right and 3rd on the left side (Phil, thinks yours was opposite mine) photo's are of the foundry changing rooms.I remember Herbert Higgins chasing use around the showers naked hahaha that's another story. Thanks for the memories Diggingdeeper.
Its good to have picture memories up, I can't believe I only took the four pictures, batteries must have flat in my camera that day, they were taken Aug 2011.
Ste might have some more.
Here are two short videos of the gantry remains being chomped up by the big scissors ..
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
Very true mate, he was the first black man I ever met. A true gentleman and a funny bloke. Used to love they way he laughed and his stories he used to tell with his Jamaican accent. Wonder if he's still alive. He had something to do with a club in Toxteth ( was it the Gladray or something )and was a prison visitor as well if I recall correctly. Always wore a trilby on his way home and a back support in work.
Hi Cameraman. Sadly Herbie died recently, there was a big piece in the Echo reporting his funeral. I can still here his laugh now, especially when he was winding up Harry Bell.