Aw, our Moo is a Proper little Mum Its only been 3-4 days but she already has a routine. She leaves the bubas at 8am, 2ish, 8pm and 1am. Rest of the time, she Nursing, cleaning, cuddling, sleeping with them. She clocks every sound and movement, outside 'their room' no matter how quiet we are, upon approach. Bless her x
Lots on f.b Nelze hun x Right peeps, the bubas are fantastic-15 days old now and gorgeaus. One of them has a 'sticky eye', we bathe it with cooled boiled water dipped onto a cotton bud, swiped along once... any advice people....surely 'it' is too young to remove from Mum, to go the vets? The eye does open after bathing, but clogs up again
If the eye looks bright and not cloudy,not too gunky,red or swollen, just keep bathing it,if not you'll need to take mum and kits to vet incase its an infection.
Ok, thanks Poods x. 'Its' eye is clean now, will review again in an hour or so.... There is deffo an eyeball there (pm convo). See whats what tomoz...take them all Boswell Style. X
Aawwwwww they are ''so cute'' they look just like my cat Meg!! she's 10yrs old and was a rescue cat at 8wks,she was rescued with her mother and siblings from a house fire.
Day 22: let them out of the Moo Mansion (a Space invaders box) and introduced to The Dogs. The dogs were not impressed but got an eye on them. Constant. Bloody brillaint dstrength and co-ordination increase....
Aawwwwww they are ''so cute'' they look just like my cat Meg!! she's 10yrs old and was a rescue cat at 8wks,she was rescued with her mother and siblings from a house fire.
Great stuff Chris 7777 put pics up on the pets pics xx
Day 24: Been bringing the Moo Mansion downstairs, for an hour a time lately, to get them used to the sounds n noise of the gaffe. I love watching them play and expanding their comfort zone, it is amazing to watch
Their eyes and ears are fully functional.
I am worried about the impending weaning process, only because its new to me and obvs i want to do it right.... Also, how, when the time comes do i take two of Moos kittys away without upsetting her?
Wean,with replacer milk,not cows around 4 ish weeks,gently dip kitty's nose in shallow saucer of milk,couple of times a day,after a day or so they will start lapping,over the next week or so add some kitten food in with milk,sounds yuck but they will start then eating up the food,once you've done this they will soon be scoffing,i used to keep mine with mum till at least 7 weeks,as by then the kitts will be well weaned and still having mums milk too and then generally by this time,mum gets cheesed off with the kitts anyway....enjoy, the fun is about to begin loopy kitten time!! xx
Thanks Poods, they have already started with the Loopy behaviour! They so funny, play fighting with each other. We get them out of the Walker Hotel, initially they 'freeze' (Hammer time ) but then, they play with the toys. They do like to stick together but also are learning to venture..... O.K, will deal with 'weaning' first and then the 'seperation' in due course xx
Being impatient, put a bit of kitten food n water on a dish for them. Two munched and one just wasn't interested. The one that isn't interested is Dozy Bob, the 'runt' of the trio....maybe just a bit slow....
Dozy Bob is ours.....will be watching her...she has always been the 'slow one'. Smudge and Dave had a piss in the litter tray following their munch.... Moo mum does seem to be pissed off with them now- she just leaped up and got off mid feed tonight, hence why we gave them a bit of kitty food.
Oh ok. Moo on a guilt trip...she feeding again and licking their arses x (to those that don't know- newborn kittens do not decrete until weaning. Their mum licks their arses-literally to stimulate a bowel action.
Aawwwwww they are ''so cute'' they look just like my cat Meg!! she's 10yrs old and was a rescue cat at 8wks,she was rescued with her mother and siblings from a house fire.
Great stuff Chris 7777 put pics up on the pets pics xx
Thankyou for text this morning P.P. xxx sorry i did not reply, to you. Dozy Bob and Smudge ate tonight, Dave didnt want to know.... Plonked 'em all in litter tray ten mins later, not a wee or a shit between them?? Moo under the table, paying no interest whatsover-just watching. Im thinking of buying a soft combed tooth brush to stimulate their arses with? Lol x
Oh here we and games o clock..... Dave has sussed out how to escape the Walkers Hotel. When I discovered him, he was trying to get back in, as it was feeding time.
The kitts are doing great, thanks Sarah. All can now escape the Walker Hotel, so put it on its side now, so they can find Mum for feeding, Moo mum is still interested, bless her! Kitts now have the run of the box room, no choice really. Lol All are starting to eat tiny bits of kitty food AND now peeing in the litter tray, thats the latest development. No poos as yet. Made up with them all
Brought the Trio down, as per, to run amok, eat proper food, socialise etc etc. They ate, plonked them in tray-all weed. Removed tray as i hear 'litter' is dangerous to ingest and I ain't got eyes in the back of my head!! So, anyway one of them started scratching at the speck where the l.tray usually is, so put it back and all 3 hopped in, by choice and peed. Am buzzing. Simple pleasures and all that......
Thanks T.C 1. Smudge is top left, then we have Pat (formerly known as Dozy Bob 'til we realised she was a girl), Dave on the right. This pic is of the gorgeous scraps in the Cheese n Onion Wing of the Walker Hotel. Pic 2: Smudge in the forefront, Dave and an Evil Un opened Council Tax Bill, in the background.
Kittys are 9 weeks and 3 days now. Doing marvellous Still feeding off Mummy-Moo although much less frequently. Maybe just twice a day now. Moo will be getting spayed, the last week in May-despite her being desperado to 'play out' no vet will spey her until her kitts are 12 weeks old.
Will do. The kittys are 12 weeks old on Saturday, two of which are due to be re-homed on Tuesday. Also, mummy Moo is booked in to be spayed next week.
My 'problem' is that Mum is still feeding them, her choice. She crys for them to come to her rather than the other way round-never heard of this Any advise please?
Moo gets her stitches out tomorrow. She should be able to play out! Woop woop! I think she has become institutionised now though. Hopefully, she will re-learn natural cat behavior, pretty quick. Counting down the next 19 weeks until her baba can be 'done' and also play out-and I can open my windows wide! Can't stand feeling cooped up.
Kittys are a joy to watch, thats true. I hope that you read up on kittys and their development. I, by no means want to piss you or anybody else off but faced with a pregnant 'feral/homeless cat and then kitties, I learnt just how problematic the 'unwanted kitts' issue is! Kittens that leave their mum too early are unlikely to settle within a human family. Shit everywhere, scratch at furnature etc. More likely to be 'kicked out' to go on and breed again and again and again,. *rant* not aimed at anybody.
Ok, i will look at your thread Sarah and will respond with links that i found useful.
I did not know that my Moo cat was pregnant, maybe as a homeless feral, she was already? Who knows? My point is, is that I read up on the kittys progress week by week....anyway, over to your thread. Will offer you advice/help, if I can. A lot of my worries were satisfied via p.m but its great to support each other for the 'main focus'-the kitties.