That is the Ship canal, looking down on Merseyton Road, the big building was Lyjons back in the 70s and the road in the bottom left is probably where the Motorway is now
Here you are, fill your boots. Why nostalgically look at third hand pictures posted by Pablo42 when you can see the originals on the above website. Nothing mysterious about them, they are all captioned.
Nothing new about that site and a lot of us on here have been aware of it for many years along with many other sites. On here is a place to discuss them and sometimes that goes further than just the photo. As far as I know Pablo has never claimed the photos are his work, doesn't claim any fame, just puts them up for discussion and debate and there's nothing wrong with trying to rekindle memories.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Well I would rather look at selected photos that a member has posted and not trawl through the whole website. As Bert says, Pablo has not made any claim to these photos and if you want to investigate information on the photo and also post it, that's interesting too!
Here you are, fill your boots. Why nostalgically look at third hand pictures posted by Pablo42 when you can see the originals on the above website. Nothing mysterious about them, they are all captioned.
If I know a photos geneology, I credit the photo. I was sent these photos, like most of them I put up. Because a lot of folk know I'm from Wallasey, they send photos of the area. Most I recognise and label, some, like this one, I never recognised.
Sorry if me not knowing where they are offends folk, likewise, sorry if they are on another site.
Here you are, fill your boots. Why nostalgically look at third hand pictures posted by Pablo42 when you can see the originals on the above website. Nothing mysterious about them, they are all captioned.
hi halfhearted LOOK! i like the way pablo42 puts the pictures on here it brings back peoples memories, like the the grange road west picture! it reminded me of working in beno dorns tailors in the 8os. SO stop picking faults!! cheers mike.
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 6th Apr 20129:26am.