can anyone tell me much about this water tower? other than its a tower for water. any pics from inside or from the top? when was it built? who owns it? i dont ask much do i? thanks peeps
needed to change this for years. so now i have. ha
I live right by it.I like it except it blocks out a big chunk of the night sky from my yard.A lazy star gazers nightmare.And the kestrels that usually nest in the top right corner of your first pic are amazing to watch as the teach there young to hunt.
I know you can't get into it. Every window (none of them have glass in) have bars over, iron plates welded over the bars and bricks behind the bars. Front door has CCTV watching it and about a billion padlocks.
I'm sure I've seen an old picture of St Alban's Church with a pool or pond next to it - was the water tower built on that? And if so, how has the pool been contained so that the surrounding area isn't permanently waterlogged? And was that pool anything to do with the mill that gave Mill Lane its name?
The pond was actually part of Littledale's Model Farm and lay in front of the farm manager's house which still stands in Eldon Road. It was originally created by the extraction of clay for the bricks from which the farm buildings were built. It was filled in when the shops at 42-58 Mill Lane and the adjoining houses in Rullerton Road and Eldon Road were built.
would love to get in there. come on you ue team, new volunteer here. plus i live almost next to it so tea and scones afterwards. nah, beer and kebabs really
needed to change this for years. so now i have. ha